by freeman 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • freeman


    If you followed the thread I posted earlier about the PO coming by to talk about my objections to their shunning policy, you know that the PO had to cancel and rescheduled the meeting till next Monday. Oh the busy lives of Janitors. My wife, the Loyal Dub also told him that I have a problem with the blood issue. I wrote up a summation of a few of the problems I have with it and I thought perhaps it would be useful to some of you, if not now perhaps at a latter time as the issue comes up. As always some of it is borrowed from other sources, and some of it, including the typo’s comes from my hollow head. He already has my letter on shunning now I’m going to stick this in the PO’s face when he comes over. See what you think…and if you wish let me know what you think. PS: sorry for the formatting, it looks great in MS Word but did not do well in the translation to html.



    Notes on Inconsistencies Found In The Current Blood Policy

    ·June 15, 2000 Watchtower on page 30 states, “God’s law on blood is not open to reform”. However this very article itself is an example of reform in that it is now permitted to use any and all fractions of the major components of blood where previously only some were permitted. Looking at the history related to the policy on abstaining from blood, this policy appears to have always been in a state of reform, especially in the areas of which or if any blood fractions could be acceptable to Christians.

    For example this is what the Watchtower of 9/15/1961 page 559 said about blood:

    “Regardless of weather it is whole blood or a blood fraction, whether it is blood taken from one’s own body or taken from someone else, whether it is administered as a transfusion or as an injection, the divine law applies. God has not given man blood to use as he might use other substances; he requires respect for the sanctity of blood”. This policy and teaching as stated in the 9/15/1961 WT is totally the opposite of the new teaching and policy as stated in the June 2000 Watchtower. How is this consistent, how is this logical?

    ·Today the claim is made that “we abstain from blood”, however, it is a fact that we do not abstain from the medical use of blood in products that contain parts of blood. How is this consistent, how is this logical?

    ·Today the vast majority of Witnesses receive and allow their children to receive vaccinations, many of which are derived in part from blood. However this was not always the case. In the past Witnesses were prohibited from receiving vaccinations. Note what the Jan. 5, 1929 issue of the Society’s magazine The Golden Age had to say about vaccinations: "Thinking people would rather have smallpox than vaccination, because the latter sows seeds of syphilis, cancers, eczema, erysipelas, scrofula, consumption, even leprosy and many other loathsome affections. Hence the practice of vaccinations is a crime, an outrage, and a delusion". Many persons following this advice from the Watchtower Society likely died as a result. Smallpox alone has more then a 30% mortality rate, let alone all the other diseases preventable by simple vaccinations that were prohibited to Witnesses at the time. In light of the present policy on vaccinations, how is this consistent, how is this logical?

    ·While we do not donate blood ourselves, it is a fact that the Red Cross has had to collect thousands and thousands of extra units of blood and process this extra blood into fractions for use in caring for Jehovah’s Witnesses. The Witness’s use of blood fractions has caused a need for more blood to be collected and processed into fractions and the Witness’s need for this blood has caused a large volume of blood to be collected and never poured out on the ground. How is this consistent, how is this logical?

    ·Witnesses cannot store their own blood for transfusion at a later date because we are told it must be poured out on the ground, but somehow it remains permissible to cause others to have their blood stored for processing into blood fractions for Witnesses use. How is this consistent, how is this logical?

    ·Witnesses are told that they cannot accept platelets, which make up only 0.17% of blood or leukocytes making up only 0.1% of blood, but somehow they can accept hemoglobin making up some 13.5% of blood by volume. In this case the amount of the approved fraction, hemoglobin, is many, many times greater then the two banned parts of blood combined; yet for some reason the two smaller fractions are inexplicably not permitted. How is this consistent, how is this logical?

    ·Witnesses have been disfellowshipped, cut off from God, handed over to Satan as it were for accepting organ transplants or accepting once “forbidden” components of blood that are now deemed acceptable. Conversely, Witnesses have even died refusing what was forbidden to them at one time, died as a result of not excepting the very same things that now are allowed. Who is to blame for this? How is this consistent, how is this logical?

    Are the men in Brooklyn who interpret God’s word and determine for all Witnesses what may or may not be considered a conscience issue aware that identical twins who share the same placenta exchange their blood during pregnancy?

    Due these men who created the list of approved and banned components understand that the blood that is exchanged between twins in the womb is not in the form of fractions. Due they realize that this is whole blood exchanged from one twin to the other in the natural setting of the womb.

    This simple well-known medical fact presented above begs the question: does God violate his own law? Very unlikely!

    Yet current Watchtower policy on blood claims that it would indeed be a violation of God’s law, for these same twins years later and now grown, to have blood from one twin donated to the other twin, even in the event of a medical emergency. In fact both the donor and the recipient twins could be subject to judicial action if they were baptized members of the congregation. Yes both twins could be subject to judicial action for willingly allowing a procedure outside the womb that God in his wisdom has allowed naturally inside the womb. Again it must be asked; how is this consistent, how is this logical?


    It is a fact that God is a god of order. He is not a god of disorder, confusion, or illogic. God is true to his word and his word is absolutely unchanging. The material presented above, (just a small fraction of such material that could be presented on this subject), overwhelmingly demonstrates that the Watchtower policy on blood is most definitely subject to change at any time, and when carefully examined, quite illogical in many respects.

    Would it be the course of wisdom to dogmatically follow a policy that appears to be quite imperfect, a policy that could and in fact has caused a great loss of life over the years? Should one follow a policy not explicitly laid out in scripture and that has claimed the lives of so many innocent children? Should one blindly follow a policy that has been demonstrated to be subject to revision at any time, and perhaps revised yet again after the unnecessary death of other innocent persons including our precious children? And one final question, does this policy seem to reflect the perfect unchanging will of God, or does it seem to reflect the imperfect and changing will of man?

    You be the judge.

  • wannahelp


    Had to reschedule.. Hehehehe.. That's funny.. When he shows up, ask him if he owns a pet.. If he does, maybe you should show him where the WT suggests that pets could take away from Jehovah's work, by taking tooo much of his precious time.. After all, what would have happened if Armageddon happens between now and Monday evening and he wasn't able to straighten you out, and you don't make it through.. He, being the one taking the lead and seeing to the needs of the flock, clearly would have let you down.. He would be blood guilty


    As for the shunning and blood issues, go get him..I think you should through a little UN stuff in there just to mix it up a bit <G>..

    Good luck, let us know how it turns out, and I'll say a prayer for ya..

    - Wannahelp

  • JT

    Your infomation is 100% correct and your line of reasoning is excellent- but there is one problem- you are talking to a JW- not to say that he will not listen, but I'm just wondering what do you hope to accomplish

    1. something to shove in his face

    2. speak your peace

    3 help him learn what you know

    the reason i ask is - depending on what you want to do determines how you should go about it.

    in my view you have all the info that you need, my only concern is the presetation style you plan on using.

    just wondering


    PS just make sure that you have counted the cost both for yourslef and your wife and you are truly prepared for what can ===and many tiems do follow something like this- sad to say in my exp most JW who are doubting are not prepared to deal with the backlash --esp on the home front

    just a thought


  • ISP

    Yup! and there's the matter of plasma....95% water and the rest fractions. The water is OK....and the fractions are but together its a WTS 'no-no'!

    Hey and sure the WTS stand really protects against HIV etc....Doh! The risks associated with transfusions of fractions which need blood from many, many donors...mean they are have an increased liklihood of contamination. cf. factor 8 transfusions.

    Who has the right to say that God says fractions are Ok but plasma isn't.


  • Frenchy

    JT has a good point here. I agree with him on the content of your material and like him, I question your method of presentation. His mind will snap shut within the first paragraph and after he will be looking for material there to df you. This may be your intent, I don't know. If you truly want to reach him, however, I suggest a different method of approach.

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

  • JWinSF

    I have nothing to add other than that you did an excellent job of summing up the blatant inconsistencies of the JWs' stance on the use of blood.

    Wishing you the best.

  • Richie

    I must say that you are a man of courage by presenting this truthful summary of facts and contradictions of the Borg. The sad part of all this is that you are going to be d'fd for bringing out these inconsistencies and not because of your inherent honesty by wanting to know the truth of all matters relating to this sensitive blood issue. Once you present this to the CO, you will immediately become targeted as a danger to the congregation and subsequently be accused of independent thinking resulting in apostasy. Then a short while later (if you do not detract all of your statements and ask for forgiveness in the most absolute sense) you will be hauled before a JC-committee where the verdict in fact has already been orchestrated by the "sanctimonious" elders to disfellowship you for apostasy.

    Wishing you all the best and strength to both you and your wife in dodging all the missiles being fired from the oh-so-loving Borg, which has long ago made the word of God invalid because of their man-made burdensome traditions, rules and regulations.

    :kissing_heart:) Richie

  • JT

    Frenchy says

    His mind will snap shut within the first paragraph


    if he is a jw he will indeed snap 0 smil

    and the post of Richie is on the money as well

    i guess that was why i asked what was his intentions and has he prepared himself for the backlash that usually follows this much info that put the org in a bad light

    i only hope he is prepared we all have seen over and over those who are not prepared and they cause needless stress upon themsleves and family

    just my 2


  • freeman

    Hello my friends:

    Thank you for so many nice replies.

    JT – Mostly I guess all I can hope to accomplish is to speak my mind, I’m sure his mind will be shut tight.

    ISP – Good point on the Plasma also about the HIV. Such crazy logic within the Borg collective.

    Frenchy - No I’m not going to delude myself into thinking that I will truly reach him. He is there on a mission (in my best blues brothers voice: we’re on a mission from God). Sorry, that’s how I handle despair, I joke about it. :smile: My wife thinks this is a loving thing he is coming to do, but you and I and so many others here know better. I’m not kidding myself, I have read the horror stories. Perhaps when he shows this writing to others to prove my apparent apostasy, and you know he will, someone may see the illogic in this insane blood policy, perhaps someone else may benefit.

    Richie - Thank you for the complement, but I’m not as much a man of courage as I am a man of desperation. I’m just trying to save my child from the clutches of the evil Borg, any father that loves his child would do the same. A while back, I guess about two months ago now, I put my foot down and forbid my un-baptized 12 year old from studying or going to meetings because he told me he was now going to shun his Dfed friend “because the society says I should”. They got my wife, they have my other boy (18 and baptized), but God if I could just save even one of them, anything I have to go through is well worth it!

    So why am I doing this now? It’s not because I want to, but I have to. Oh how I wish I had the true courage and the cleverness that so many others have so as to keep my true feelings inside and just get along. Oh how I wish I could slowly lead my family out intact, but alas I just don’t have what it takes. After being inactive for 23 years because my bullshit alert meter would not let me go on one minute longer, I can remain silent no more. I may lose them all, BUT I JUST HAVE TO DO IT!

    Thank You all for listening to my rant, and for your encouraging and thought provoking replies, may you all find peace.



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