Rants!!!!!11111 They're Hugh!11!!1! Post 'em if ya got 'em

by SixofNine 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine

    Go ye unto the triple dubya, find the most entertaining, well written, and rebellion-of-all-things-establishment inspiring rant (and/or diatribe) that sparks your interest, and post 'em up here. If you wrote it yourself moresthebetter, but remember, this is for my entertainment not your pathetic ego, so make it good stuff please.

    I'll start. Just came across this:

    So it's nuts to cable TV for my family (author "leeroysphits" on a db somewhere):

    2 years ago we switched from Comcast cable to a company called Wide Open West (we have a choice in Detroit) we did so because of price. However, we just received notice from W.O.W. of a price increase taking our bill for Internet and BASIC no frills analog cable to 99 MF'ing dollars a month. When I say no frills I mean it. No extras. We didn't even take the cable box so as to avoid the $3.50 box lease.

    I called EVERYONE, Comcast, Dish, Direct and these price fixing bastards were all within ten dollars a month of each other. I began to be frustrated. In fact my left eye began to twitch.

    Well at that point enough was ENOUGH. I dug out an old pair of 5 dollar rabbit ears and plugged them into our TV. It looked like shit, nearly unwatchable on every station but PBS. I began to fall into an inky black well of despair.

    It was at that exact moment that I remembered that this TV of ours (bought last year) had a built in digital (HD) tuner. I also, at this particular moment, remembered reading about how most over the air TV stations were already simulcasting an HD signal. My head hurt from all the remembering but still it gave me an idea.

    I plugged the cheap, 5 dollar rabbit ears into the digital coax port on the TV, changed the source setting of my TV to digital and then set that for "antenna" instead of "cable" and promptly wet myself.

    It was beautiful, this digital signal we were receiving. wondrous. Like a caterpillar to a butterfly my TV was metamorphosized from an ugly lump of video coal into a glittering rectangular diamond! 37 inches of JOY. The digital signal was PERFECT. No static. No distortion. Nothing but one thousand and eighty interlaced lines of fabulousness. My family gathered around to witness. We stared in wonder and incredulity.

    My wife and I looked at each other. We said not a word but she brought me the phone and i gleefully canceled my criminally overpriced cable TV subscription. I did it with a smile. My nipples were hard as I severed those ugly, misbegotten ties and burnt that rickety bridge.

    We've since spent 50 dollars (an ironic number in that this is what we are now saving PER MONTH) on a nice Terk amplified antenna. It's more stylish than the rabbit ears and increases the number of stations available to us.

    We have access to fewer channels no but so what? we now get 3 PBS streams and most other stations have 2 separate streams. The only draw back I can see is that without the Sci-Fi chanel I'll have to download BSG but I've been doing that anyhow. Also no CSPAN. but I'll live.

    So to sum it all up I'm now getting full HD for free and I got a chance to stick it, at least a little , to the man.

    I LOVE it too much.


    Your turn.

  • beksbks
  • Warlock

    The Deadly Quicksand of Deficit Spending

    "It is then that the movie turns into a farce, as Ms. Pelosi is crying out, 'Quick! Give him some more money!' Hahahaha! Nice work, Ms. Pelosi! Groucho Marx would have been proud of us both!"

    by The Mogambo Guru

    Caroline Baum at Bloomberg News writes, "President Bush and his Treasury secretary, Hank Paulson, are pumping out plans as quickly as aggrieved parties (homeowners, financial institutions, consumers, businesses) can ask for help, even as they tout the economy's fundamentals as 'strong'. In other [words], aside from a house of card[s] built on a mountain of debt, everything is fine." Exactly!

    She is obviously referring to the, "economic stimulus bill"; a ludicrous bit of economic insanity where the government will be, literally, sending out money to people, to the tune of $168 billion. It has now been passed by Congress, and is on its way to President Bush for his (I assume) enthusiastic signature.

    Where was Nancy Pelosi, one of the most idiotic Marxist losers in all of Congress? She was running around grinning like a demented baboon, embarrassing herself saying, "We are making history. What has passed the Congress in record time is a gift to the middle class and those who aspire to it in our country." Hahaha! A gift! Hahaha! This is too, too rich!

    Then I thought about it some more, and I discovered that I can use this! Without a moment's hesitation, I immediately put this fabulous new "gift" philosophy into action: I wait until my wife goes into the kitchen for something, and for that split-second when her vision is obscured and her purse is unattended, I quickly run over and grab it, snag the wallet inside the purse, and hurriedly take all the money out, which looks to be about $67.

    By this time, my wife has heard my footsteps racing across the floor and heard my little girlie giggle of excitement, and decides that this can't mean anything good. So she comes flying out of that kitchen, screaming, "Get out of my purse, you Thieving Mogambo Bastard (TMB)!"

    This, then, is when I put this new Pelosi idea into action; with a big smile just like the one Ms. Pelosi had plastered all over her face, I say, "Hold it right there, Hateful Old Woman (HOW)!" Deftly, I take the two singles out of the little handful of cash I had just taken out of her purse, and flip them to her, saying, "Here's two bucks! I'm giving you a gift! How can you accuse me of stealing from you when I am actually just giving you a gift? Can't you see I am making history here? I'm giving you a gift of two bucks! So shut the hell up about people stealing money from you, you paranoid whackjob!"

    Stunned, she just stands there, too flabbergasted at the sheer stupidity of it all. I quickly take advantage of the hesitation, and in a flash I am gone! Carefree and happy, out into the world with a big 65 bucks burning a hole in my pocket, and I'm looking for trouble, tacos, tequila and topless dancers, where we learn the sad lesson that inflation has gotten so bad that $65 bucks doesn't last very long anymore in that paradigm, even in the seamier gentlemen's clubs where they never throw me out, no matter how drunk or obnoxious I am, as long as I have some money left.

    Alas, the money was soon gone, thanks to the higher prices, then (as usual) nobody liked me anymore and I had to go home, whereupon I also learned that if you are going out to party down in the hedonistic gutter with a measly $65 left over after you gave your wife a gift, use it all to buy intoxicating beverages, because you are going to want to be heavily, heavily anesthetized when you get back home.

    But the lesson is the same; somebody is going to catch hell, and Nancy Pelosi has absolutely no idea what in the hell she is doing, because this $168 billion has to also be paid for with more government borrowing, which means the Fed must create more money and credit, which turns into more money when somebody borrows the money from the banks to buy these bonds, which further inflates the money supply, which causes more inflation in some consumer prices as this new money enters the auction in the marketplace of goods and services, and then inflation appears in other consumer prices, too, more and more and more until it has caused inflation in all prices, and then everybody is worse off than when they started; my wife is out 65 bucks, I am broke and in trouble, and the inflation in prices is making life more miserable for everybody.

    Or, you could do as my neighbors do; listen for the Death Wail Of The Mogambo (DWOTM) reverberating, who howls into the night, "Ah-oooooooooooo!", conveying to man and beast alike that we are freaking doomed by inflation in prices, which history has shown to be similar to being a bit-player in a low-budget jungle B-movie who accidentally steps into quicksand at the beginning of the movie, not long after the credits have stopped rolling. You instinctively know, without being told or given any clues, and despite the best efforts of everybody else in the movie, that the poor bastard is going down and out.

    That is probably why Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi never spends any time around here, as the haunting sound of my DWOTM is bad enough, but even worse is that DWOTM can be made to sound like "scrotum", which I intend to use with maximum effect and a can of spray paint if I can think of anything to rhyme with "Pelosi" that could simultaneously attain a "PG" rating and also convey my Utter Mogambo Revulsion (UMR) at the sheer hypocrisy of characterizing a $168 billion "economic stimulus" package, achieved by deficit-spending, as a freaking "gift" to anybody! Hahahaha! I mean, what can you do but laugh at the sheer, laughable stupidity?

    And you want to hear the worse news? The poor, the disadvantaged, the crippled, the aged, the sick, the criminals, the unemployed, and the teeming outcasts and refuse of the world yearning to breathe free if only they could get a nitwit government to pay their way, all have one thing in common; they, along with every body else, will all pay higher prices for everything, and everyone will end up worse off than they are now! Hahahaha!

    And it's also guaranteed that they will never get as much money next year as they need to offset the price hikes from this coming year, just as they did not get the money this year that they needed to offset the prices that were higher than they were last year, too! They are always, "Behind the curve"! Hahahaha!

    This is how you die of gradual financial death by inflation, which is the plot of the latest movie from Mogambo Film Industries, which used to be call Mogambo Literary Industries, a niche publishing firm that specialized in that last little bit of free-lance pornography that literally nobody else would publish because it was so tasteless and disgusting.

    But now we are coming out with a terrific adventure movie, where the plot has Ms. Pelosi leading a big safari into the jungle to deliver free goods and services to natives along the way, and one of the bearers of the treasure chests (in the script he is referred to as "Taxpayer Number One") steps into the deadly quicksand of deficit-spending a fiat currency via unlimited fractional reserve banking.

    It is then that the movie turns into a farce, as Ms. Pelosi is crying out, "Quick! Give him some more money!" Hahahaha! Nice work, Ms. Pelosi! Groucho Marx would have been proud of us both!

  • sweetface2233

    I found this post in "The Best of Craigslist" about 2 years ago. It was so funny that I copied and saved it. Since this thread is in the "Friends" section, I have edited it. I hope you enjoy it as much as i did.

    Today marks my two year anniversary at my current job - the longest I have
    ever held continuous employment at one company. Earlier, I had one of those
    "Remember when you did that thing with that bloke..." conversations with a
    colleague and I came to one inescapable conclusion - My Bosses Are F#%(&ing

    No way should I still be employed here after some of the sh*t I've pulled.

    In two years, I have had 2 disciplinaries, one formal written warning, a
    42% lateness rate, countless verbal warnings and 17 performance improvement
    plans (Where they 'monitor' your performance for a set period and point out
    everything that you did wrong), with my initial 3 months probation period
    (which was then extended to 6) - this means that at no point have I been
    employed here without having some suited tw*t looking over my shoulder with
    a clipboard 'observing me in my work environment'

    And STILL they haven't twigged that the best thing for them would be my
    instant dismissal.

    Which brings me to the point of post - Things I have done that my company
    should have sacked me for a long time ago:-

    1. Sent an e-mail to myself from my bosses PC implying that she was
    sexually harassing me, and then used it as leverage against her to escape a

    2. Twice felt the need to go spend a 20 minute 'toilet' break on a hot
    summer's day after a morning spent ogling the female population of my
    office dressed in their skimpy outfits

    3. Edited a chain E-mail to imply that reader should end their own life
    and then forwarded it on to a mailing list that included somebody that
    recently had tried and (unfortunately) failed to commit suicide.

    4. Almost got my friend sacked in a prank gone horribly wrong after I used
    http://www.sharpmail.co.uk/html to send an e-mail that appeared to be from
    him to one of the office juniors. It read something along the lines of:

    "Nice strappy shoes Gemma, I really like the way they show off your
    painted nails..... It makes me want to run my hard penis in between your
    toes and c*m on your shin."

    (realistically, I should have anticipated the sh*t-storm, that followed).

    5. Racked up about 6 hours internet time a day, despite the company policy
    that anything over 1 hour is considered excessive.

    6. Shot the Financial Director in the face with an elastic band gun, after
    seeing my friend about to come through the door and failing to notice the
    suited gentlemen walking one pace ahead of him.

    7. Hid for an hour in the post room whilst said director tore the place to
    pieces interrogating people in an effort to find "That C*nt who shot me"

    8. Sat at my desk for an entire morning happily munching a box of hash
    brownies, whiting out a few hours later and then being sent home by
    boss-lady because she was worried that I looked 'really pale'

    9. Used the opportunity of looking very ill in public to take a further
    two weeks off work.

    10. Not realised that an incoming call was actually from somebody in the
    Houses Of Parliament (one of our A-list clients) and answered the phone
    "What's up MotherF*$(%er?!"

    11. Outright lied to the same MP when he asked to speak to the manger by
    telling him that he had called a residential number - A fact he accepted
    despite having spent 5 minutes on our hold system listening our company's
    god awful theme music.

    12. Put on a dodgy accent and pretended to be called 'Raoul' when said MP
    called back and, against all laws of probability, ended up speaking to me

    13. Told a colleague whilst very drunk at office party that "I wouldn't
    f*%k you if you were on fire"

    14. Spent the next few days trying to work out exactly what the above
    sentence means

    15. Ignored 30 minutes worth of phone calls to write this horse-sh*t

  • Leolaia

    I would have posted a warren25smash video, but they seem to be dying breed on the net. Can't find the one I want.

  • Leolaia

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