has anyone else seen this article about what's going on in Egypt? shocking!
by veradico 5 Replies latest social current
Tyrone van leyen
This is the link. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/7247228.stm
Well golly gee what a huuuuuuge surprise this is...
That said if a quarantine of some sort (not like this travesty) had been put in place in the early 80's I wonder if it would have been possible to contain AIDS? Probably not, the virus has a latency period of almost 10 years and it takes a long time to even test positive. So probably but that time there were already millions with it. Oh well, I do have to wonder about anyone who was homosexual (or just sane) staying in the middle east.
Egypt has been doing torture and detentions of dissidents for decades. This is mild compared to that. Then there is the muslim/arab movement against the christian copts, again, been going on for yrs. Our general level knowledge of the world and how it works is abysmal.
S -
Well, it would have had to have been a strange sort of quarantine, but I suppose people didn't really understand how the disease is transmitted. In fact, I hear Huckabee was still confused about that fact not so long ago. What still surprises me is not when some uninformed people treat others like scum because of fear or hate but when people in official government positions behave this way. But I suppose you're all correct: I shouldn't be surprised at this point.
there is the muslim/arab movement against the christian copts, again, been going on for yrs.
Unfortunately, Human Rights is not a term that is understood by many (not all) Muslim people in the Middle East. Their religious beliefs are supreme.
They have been murdering Coptic Christian Egyptians and blowing up Coptic Orthodox Churches for hundreds of years. The west has only just recently got a taste of Muslim terrorists. Millions of Christians in the Middle East have been living with (or dying because of) Muslim terrorists for generations.
Having said that, the U.S. and Australia are also known to be abusers of Human Rights. Their political beliefs are supreme. Just ask Amnesty International.
What is going on in Egypt is a disgrace! Is this typical of dogmatic Muslim thinking and behaviour? Thank goodness I live in the west. Chaining people to beds, forced anal examinations to prove homosexual behaviour? Forced medical examinations? This kind of behaviour by the state is repugnant in the extreme. But it also sounds like what I have read about Guantanamo Bay and CIA torture methods.
What I find ironic however is that, if those same people suspected of HIV resided in the U.S., they would be entirely ignored and denied medical treatment and left to die if they didn't have money for treatment. Go figure.