Would anyone be interested in a bit of trans international cyber theatre? I was thinking of how it might be possible to put together a theatre company from ex witnesses that through dance and choreographed movement in creative theatre performance might teach something of the issues at hand here, that individually we are all dealing with. Any script writers in the house, for me to talk with? I just thought this could be used as an excellent healing avenue by which others could understand us better.
Even as ex witnesses we represent a very unique picture of a part of humanity, in our own way, as JW's once, and part of that individual 'culture', we are now, in a funny kind of way, even more unique than we once were.
Might this be used in educating the public of the intentions and motives of the WT? How could we in our living expression, present ourselves through a combined theatre performance? Might we possibly be able to apply for funding if we were to at least try to put something together?
Please, from all you creative types and others, do you have clearer ideas to share?
Please, sock it to me, I need to feel recovered in whole.
Good friends are hard to come by...