Good Friends Are Hard To Come By...

by Celtic 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Celtic

    Why is it that true, trusted friends are hard to come by? (Rhetorical) Do people not know the internal pain of individuals thus affected by the JW experience? What is a true friend, one that you can trust totally, open up your innermost feelings with? What is love? What is sharing? What is a soul to soul connection? What is encouragement and reassurance? Just what are they, the energies, invisible, of those emotions? What is what is that, defined, that we, collectively have all been through? Can words alone express? Has language been invented for the expression of these feelings? What is baraka, my life force, this thing that is me?

    Maybe through theatre together with 25 or so of you, we might discover some of the answers and give healing to others in tackling the issues at hand through a re-enactment of the whole turbulent process, painful, but rewarding in its outcome?

    Anyone wish to share in participation of?

    peace & the truth of love from well within side

    Good friends are to be found here

  • MegaDude

    "To eat magic shrooms, or not eat magic shrooms. That is the question."

    Yup, count me in for the Ex-Dub healing theater troupe. As long as it's comedy!

    Suggested famous plays that we do:

    Les Miserable (since I left the WT)
    The Apostate Cometh
    Death of a Magazine Salesman

    "The God that comes before skepticism may bear little resemblence to the God that comes after."
    (M. Scott Peck: The Road Less Traveled)

  • lauralisa


    I've tried to find words to describe what you are talking about and always seem to default to geeky terms like "magic" and "epiphonical" and "whatever".

    Isn't it more a thing where you know it when you "know" it?

    Language is so interesting, even in all of its dialects. But still it remains limited.

    Hope you are currently experiencing in R/L what you are trying to describe.


    It's only water from a stranger's tear (Peter Gabriel)

  • ashitaka

    How about "The Tempest" and a T.S. Eliot play?

  • unclebruce

    I though this place was theatrical enough already but then again i thought logical was a bloke.

    i'm going i'm going no need to shout celtman

  • DannyBear

    "Arsenic and Old Lacey Watchtower's" starring Auntie Lindy and DannyBear

    "The Cactus Game" starring VeniceIt

    "Seven Brides for Seven Brother's" starring Obby,Naeblis,Nathan,Mindchild,HillaryStep,Uncle Bruce,Farkel and

    "The Bridge over the River Kwai" starring Englishman, Simon and Introspect

    "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" starring Think41self, Logical,Mulan

    Perhaps others may have play and casting suggestions?


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