My Eclipsian Prayer..

by AK - Jeff 4 Replies latest jw experiences

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    While viewing the magnificent blood moon that preceded the full eclipse, I uttered this prayer [as close as I recall];

    Father, whose name I know not to be Jehovah, nor Allah, indeed whose name I know not - I am humbled. I observe these millions of stars and planets as these gems peek through mighty pines, and I know but one thing - my planet, my universe is a thing of beauty, and I must ascribe that beauty to Someone greater than chance. All that I have believed has proven to be lies in the past, so I stand here, infinitesimally small in the bounty of this scene, uneducated for certain in what it all means any longer, appreciating what is before my eyes. I seek no longer to define You, and I trust no longer the so called Holy Books to do so, refined and corrupted as they are by man. Indeed perhaps entirely the work of man, I do not know.

    I do not pray that you would reveal to me, more than is already revealed to me in this scene. For why, of all the billions who have stood in awe of scenes like this one, in all the centuries in which they have stood in such awe, would I believe that I, or a group of persons whom I know, would be the Divine receptacle of such hidden knowledge? I only offer humble praise to whomever you are, whatever your nature, for my being. I am but a fleeting witness to these miracles and beauty.


  • dinah

    Very interesting, Jeff. It pretty much sums up how I feel right now also. Thanks for posting that.

  • R.Crusoe
  • Dismembered

    Amen AK - Jeff


  • oompa

    Amen.................first prayer in a long time I could agree with................................oompa

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