Satellite destroyed (video clip)
by JH 9 Replies latest jw friends
Awesome -I love technology
Thats some expensive target practice there.
Thank jebus another one o them electrical doo hicky abomonations has been destroyed.
Is it just me, or is he using a hypnotic speaking method.
S -
Yep. Them crazy Chinese do this last year WITHOUT notifying anyone, leaving the space equivalent of the EXXON VALDEZ......and THEN bitch about US doing the same thing. At least our pieces are football sized and will burn up in the atmosphere.
Go figure.
horrible life
I heard a blurb this morning as I was getting ready for work. Haven't heard anything else, even though I listened to XM radio for an hour, and watched local news. Thanks JH
I was actually expecting a miss on purpose that lands somewhere in Russia where Putin just happens to be.They just had the space shuttle up there so why didn't they plant some explosives instead of launching a missile that probably cost half a million bucks?
I wish the SM-3 missile did only cost half a million!
From the online wiki article about the missile:
Manufacturer: Raytheon
Unit cost: $9.5 million (USD)
Your Tax Dollars at Work!
holy smokes now I'm really cheezed . nine and half million is absurd , the chinese probably did it for half a million.
So thus far $9.5 million dollars for a missile and $1.2 B-I-L-L-I-O-N for a crashed stealth bomber. That is $1,209,500,000.00 in exploded tax dollars. That does not even count the millions of dollars blown away in Iraq and Afghanistan. Twas an expensive week in the USA. Better ask the Chinese for another loan.