Are Witnesses ''allowed'' to attend funeral of a known homosexual? Quotes?

by ThomasCovenant 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ThomasCovenant


    Help needed as I can't access my WT CD rom.

    Is there anything in the Society's literature to say that a 'brother' shouldn't attend the funeral of a person who was known to be homosexual.

    If so could someone provide references/quotes


    Thomas Covenant

  • Seeker4

    I've never, ever heard anything like that.


  • blondie

    As long as they are not a baptized jw, inactive, da'd or df.d it would be hypocritical.

    Would you attend the funeral of a nonjw that



    used drugs

    committed adultery

    I have never seen it forbidden when the person is a non-jw.

  • scotsman

    Don't have access to the CDROM just now but have never heard of such a rule.And I'm aware of some witnesses attending the funerals of colleagues who were gay without there being repercussions.

  • ThomasCovenant

    Thanks for replies.

    So far it appears then, that they have never printed against the attending of a funeral of a homosexual

    I believe they have printed about not attending weddings and possibly funerals if they take place in a 'church' though.

    Have they printed stuff that could be viewed as discriminatory against being gay?


    Thomas Covenant

  • scotsman
    Have they printed stuff that could be viewed as discriminatory against being gay?

    lol depends what you mean by discriminatory! I think they have always differentiated between practising and non practising. They wouldn't permit a civil partnership to take place in a KH, but as they wouldn't allow any nonJW ceremony there it's not discriminatory.

    What you looking for?

  • kwr

    This was printed at the watchtower web site.

    Homosexuality —How Can I Avoid It?

    “When I was 12, I was attracted to a girl at school. I was confused and
    worried that I might be a lesbian.”—Anna.*

    “During my teens I struggled with an attraction to other males. Deep down, I
    knew those thoughts weren’t normal.”—Olef.

    “My girlfriend and I kissed once or twice. Since I still liked boys, I
    wondered if I might be bisexual.”—Sarah.

    TODAY’S tolerant attitudes have prompted a number of youths to experiment with
    same-sex relationships. “Many girls in my school claim to be either lesbian,
    bisexual, or ‘bi-curious,’” says 15-year-old Becky. Christa, 18, finds the
    situation similar at her school. “Two classmates have actually propositioned
    me,” she says. “One wrote me a note asking if I wanted to see what it was like
    to be with a girl.”

    With same-sex relationships being flaunted so openly, you may wonder: ‘Is
    homosexuality really bad? What if I’m attracted to someone of my sex? Does
    that mean I’m gay?’

    How Does God View Homosexuality?
    Today, many people—even some clergymen—soft-pedal the issue of homosexuality.
    Yet, the Bible leaves no room for confusion. It tells us that Jehovah God made
    man and woman and that he purposed for sexual desires to be fulfilled only
    between husband and wife. (Genesis 1:27, 28; 2:24) It comes as no surprise,
    then, that the Bible condemns homosexual acts.—Romans 1:26, 27.

    Of course, many would say that the Bible is out-of-date. For example,
    14-year-old Megan asserts, “Some of the things stated in the Bible have no
    place in today’s world.” But why are some so quick to make that claim? Often,
    it is because the Bible’s view conflicts with their own. They reject God’s
    Word because it teaches something different from what they want to believe.
    That view is biased, though, and the Bible encourages us to rise above such
    closed-minded thinking! In fact, in his Word, Jehovah God urges us to consider
    the fact that his commandments are for our good. (Isaiah 48:17, 18) That is
    reasonable. After all, who knows our human makeup better than our Creator?

    As a young person, you may be experiencing a variety of emotions. What if you
    feel attracted to a member of the same sex? Does this automatically mean that
    you are a homosexual? No. Remember, you are in “the bloom of youth,” a period
    in which you are subject to involuntary sexual arousal. (1 Corinthians 7:36)
    For a time, your attention may focus on a member of the same sex. But having
    such an attraction does not mean that you are gay. In fact, statistics
    indicate that such inclinations usually fade in time. Still, you might wonder,
    ‘How do these desires start in the first place?’

    Some say that homosexuality is rooted in the genes. Others say it is a learned
    behavior. It is not the purpose of this article to delve into the
    “nature-versus-nurture” debate. Indeed, it seems that it would be a gross
    oversimplification to attribute homosexuality to a single cause.
    Homosexuality—much like other forms of behavior—appears to be far more complex
    than that.

    Regardless of the cause, the important thing to realize is that the Bible
    condemns homosexual acts. Thus, the person who is struggling with same-sex
    desires is presented with a reachable goal—he or she can choose not to act on
    those desires. To illustrate: A person might be “disposed to rage.” (Proverbs
    29:22) In the past he may have freely given in to fits of anger. After
    studying the Bible, though, he becomes aware of the need to develop
    self-control. Does this mean that he will never again feel anger welling up
    inside him? No. However, because he knows what the Bible says about
    uncontrolled anger, he refuses to succumb to his feelings. It is similar with
    a person who has felt attracted to others of the same sex but who has now come
    to learn what the Bible says about homosexual practices. On occasion, an
    improper desire may still present itself. Nevertheless, by heeding the counsel
    of the Bible, the person can refrain from acting on that desire.

    Granted, same-sex desires may be strongly entrenched. Be assured, though, that
    even deeply rooted wrong desires are not insurmountable. (1 Corinthians 9:27;
    Ephesians 4:22-24) Ultimately, you are in control of how you will live.
    (Matthew 7:13, 14; Romans 12:1, 2) And despite claims to the contrary, you can
    learn to control your impulses—or at least refrain from acting on them.

    Reject Wrong Practices
    How can you keep from getting involved in homosexual practices?

    First Throw all your anxieties upon Jehovah in prayer, confident that “he
    cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7; Psalm 55:22) Jehovah can fortify you with a
    peace that “excels all thought.” This can ‘guard your heart and your mental
    powers’ and give you “power beyond what is normal” to keep from acting on
    wrong desires. (Philippians 4:7; 2 Corinthians 4:7) Sarah, who struggled with
    the fear that she might be bisexual, says: “Whenever my thoughts disturb me, I
    pray; and Jehovah sustains me. Without his help I couldn’t have dealt with
    this problem. Prayer is my lifeline!”—Psalm 94:18, 19; Ephesians 3:20.
    Second Fill your mind with upbuilding spiritual thoughts. (Philippians 4:8)
    Read the Bible daily. Never underestimate its power to shape your mind and
    heart for good. (Hebrews 4:12) A young man named Jason says: “The
    Bible—including scriptures such as 1 Corinthians 6:9, 10 and Ephesians 5:3—has
    had a powerful effect on me. I read these scriptures whenever wrong desires
    Third Shun pornography and gay propaganda, which will only fuel wrong
    thoughts.# (Psalm 119:37; Colossians 3:5, 6) Some motion pictures and
    television programs also foster the belief that homosexuality is nothing more
    than a so-called alternative lifestyle. “The world’s warped thinking affected
    my mind and added to my sexual confusion,” says Anna. “Now I steer clear of
    anything or anyone that promotes homosexuality.”—Proverbs 13:20.

    Fourth Seek out a confidant, and talk to him or her about your thoughts.
    (Proverbs 23:26; 31:26; 2 Timothy 1:1, 2; 3:10) Olef, who sought the help of a
    Christian elder, recalls: “His counsel was very effective. I wished I had
    spoken to him a lot earlier.”
    Do Not Give Up!
    Of course, some would say that there’s no point in doing all this, that you
    should simply embrace your sexuality and accept what you are. But the Bible
    says that you can do better than that! It tells us, for example, that some
    early Christians who had formerly practiced homosexuality changed. (1
    Corinthians 6:9-11) You too can win the battle—even if at this point it is
    only being waged in your heart.

    If your desires persist, do not give up or conclude that you are a lost cause.
    (Hebrews 12:12, 13) All of us battle wrong inclinations at times. (Romans
    3:23; 7:21-23) If you refuse to act on wrong desires, in time they may
    subside. (Colossians 3:5-8) Above all, lean on Jehovah for help. He loves you
    and knows what will make you happy. (Isaiah 41:10) Yes, “trust in Jehovah and
    do good . . . , and he will give you the requests of your heart.”—Psalm 37:3,


    * Names in this article have been changed.

    # “Metrosexuality”—a lifestyle in which men give excessive attention to
    themselves and particularly their appearance—has done much to blur the line
    between gay and straight. According to the man who reportedly coined the term,
    the metrosexual “might be officially gay, straight or bisexual, but this is
    utterly immaterial because he has clearly taken himself as his own love object
    and pleasure as his sexual preference.” The popularity of the term, says one
    encyclopedia, “followed the increasing integration of gay men into mainstream
    society and a correspondingly decreased taboo towards homosexuality and
    changing masculinity.”

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