I got some news today, it is about my son's school. In the town where I live they are building a new elementary school. They are doing some things that just make my scratch my head and say "What are they thinking?" First of all the school, put in a nice parking lot, and one of those drives that goes right in front. I think ok, there is nothing wrong with putting in extra parking. But I learned today that on May 15 they are going to have to be completely moved out of that building. School ends May 24. They said to get around that they are just going to change some of the off days to cover for the difference. Now I am asking myself, why in the world would they waist tax payer's money on a parking lot? I sure could see that money being used better some where's else.
My son's school
by Tammie 2 Replies latest social family
Nothing like this is done without voter initiative.
If you want to look into it, call your council man or woman and ask for additional information.
The only way to prevent what you see as taxpayer waste is for you to educate yourself about the issues and then VOTE.
This is my very first year as a parent having a child in school. So all this is very new to me. lol. This is my very first year doing much of anything. (I'm newly DA) I do plan on getting involved more, such as voting. But I think I need to get my self more informed on things around me, so that I know what I am voting for.