Was my face red

by Judith 5 Replies latest social family

  • Judith

    While sitting with the principal of my son's elementary school and explaining why my son would not be saying the pledge to the flag, I heard this announcement over the loud speaker, "And the pledge will be said by Ryan B." My son! His voice loud and clear over the loud speaker and I sat with a burning face. And I had to go on and tell the principal why he would never do it again and why? - cause we are JW's.

    This happened when my son was in kindergarten and he is now 25. It just popped into my head and I thought it rather humerous.

  • LDH

    Bwaha ha talk about f#*$ing with a kid's head!



  • WildHorses

    I bet the principal had a good laugh after you left his office> lol

    "I don't want someone in my life I can live with, I want someone in my life I can't live without."

  • ZazuWitts

    Judith, this really gave me a good laugh, thanks.

    I think I was about 11, after my mother had been studying with the JW's for a few months, she paid a visit to the principal's office to explain why I wouldn't be passing out valentines.

    When she emerged from the office, there I was, right in the hallway, painting valentines, and cupids on the school's front door. Ha,ha, one of the few times I actually rebelled. Later, at home I got the usual whipping. She was a real loon, never take a gentle approach when you can beat a kid, and cuss them out throughly...her power trips.

  • Judith

    Hi LDH. I agree with your statement. My son just wanted to be part of the group at school and his self esteem was good enough to raise his hand and say the pledge for the school. I hated going to the teachers to show them the school booklet (or whatever it was) and tell them why my children would not be participating in anything. Now my anger is coming up again. But on the lighter side. My children did quite a bit of rebelling and some I knew about and others are just coming out now. I have to laugh about that.

    Hi Lilacs. The principal didn't wait for me to leave before he began laughing. And who can blame him?

    Hi ZazuWitts. Good for you painting those valentines. That gave me a laugh. I am glad that we both had something funny to share. You little rebel you. <smile>

    Wasn't there an actress named Zazu Pitts? A long time ago. Just curious.


  • ZazuWitts


    I'm glad I painted those valentines too. It was fun, fun, and I got much praise for my artistic efforts, from the teachers, fellow students and the principal.

    And, yes there was an actress named Zasu Pitts, pronounced Saysue. She was my dear granny's favorite, and inspired my user name.

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