Here are some more quotes from the Divine purpose book .
I'd like to see what you make of them.
Still in the chapter"Reorganising for active service";
"Little did gods people in 1919 know the significant part the instrument The Golden Age , was to play in exposing the unholy combine of Nazi-Fascist-Catholic building. In the years that were to follow, numerous and powerful were the death dealing blows that were to be dealt to this combine by articles and cartoons appearing in this courageous journal."
Have I missed something from my history books?
According to the watchtower their articles were "Death dealing"
So they caused death to the Nazi-Fascist-Catholic combine.
Funny I thought it was the American-British-Russian alliance who brought it down.
I must be mistaken.
Jehovahs witnesses ,in the divine purpose?II
by sleepy 2 Replies latest jw friends
For use of British OSS personnel at the western front only. Unauthorised viewers will be the subject of a portrait by Mr. Churchill.
17 August 1944.
What-ho chaps! Bally good show over that D-Day thingy, what? Bit of an odd thing, though, as it seems all our efforts have been a tad, how shall we say, irrelevant.
"Cobblers!", we hear you murmur from the front. But we have to admit it, the dashed Nazi-Fascist-Catholic combine was a dead duck even without our rather modest efforts.
"Bloody Americans snaffling the credit!" you unjustly cry. But no! Take a gander at the enclosed copy of "The Golden Age". You will no doubt fully comprehend the death-dealing blow to Mr. Hitler contained within the article "Aluminum, the devil's metal". Bet the Russki's could have done with a few more copies of that at Stalingrad, what?
And, by Jingo!, how much our enemies were daunted by "Inoculations: the idolism of pus!". No wonder the blitz was cut short! We must thank these brave fellows from Brooklyn who have aided the war effort so steadfastly. And such jolly cleverness too. Quite stunning the way they seemed to, shall we say, cozy up to the little moustachioed chappy. A supreme example of misleading the dark enemy of which we humble bods at OSS can only stare at in awestruck admiration and cry "who do you think you are kidding, Mr. Rutherford?"
We shall tender to your admiring gaze the awesome power of the cartoon entitled "the whore of babylon with an arrow sticking in his tailpipe". No wonder Musso was strung up so quickly on those gatey things!
In short, take heart, fellows. You may be on the receiving end of tons of hot flying metal, but consider the courageousness of those solid chaps in Brooklyn and their tireless and unselfish fight against the evil axis!
Oh, tea and biscuits are cancelled today due to us having to send them all to Brooklyn for those jolly brave gb men. Times are tough for them at the moment. We enclose cucumber sarnies instead. Sorry!
Right on old chap.
They gave old Hitler a jolly good bif on the nose.
Splendid work expatty in exposing the cover up .
They never did tell the real reason Blighty won the war.