I recall an incident walking with a WT higher up in which a small child stood in a pile of dog poop!
I saw this individual outa the corner of their eye spot the child and make a 'quick step' along the line of others children with a clean pair of squeaky heels!!
Maybe many adults would have done the same?
I stuck with the kid, in tears and sorted the situation. No praise to me - just a kid upset and clueless needing help from someone who could!
I was a WT newbie! Looking back it was a sign of WT life!
It showed me how when I or any other unfortunate individual lands in WT poop, rarely will the squeaky clean be seen for dust! More likely they will come with a set of rules for you to follow and add to all the shit you are in!
And many of the experienced sisters are like the small kids laughing at the one in the shit - no question - they all stand with the 'Jesus pretense' deception - I see them as with the 'great crowd' of the original deceiver!
It tells me a lot about JW hard liners claiming to be Jesus like characters but who truly sit amongst scribes and pharisees and other such like 'respectables' chatting away like chosen ones.
I say this to you all because other newbies are unaware of the JW infrastructure!
Truly I know as fact that many will suffer due to pure distilled lies from the manufactured 'TRUTH' of WT deception!
Sadly it is not just WT who have such skills! It is around you in family and society as well! But the WT claim 'divinity' and as such are as an 'angel of light' but full of silent dark forces.
I have seen them claim all the positives an individual possesses to be of their making and all the negatives of the individuals failing! In fact it is most likely the reverse when all is said and done!
What is your perception?