My 10 year Pioneering did not have much fruitage.[good]...studied with a few naughty Witness boys...some later left. One family came into the truth and parents and kid's are now pioneers. The husband was a rogue who loved to smoke and drink and now is a M.servant who take spiritual things very seriously....put's Jehovah first above all else as do his teenager kids. Now, we've had discussions and he knows I'm skeptical..but he won't hear of any critism...and to push it would break the friendship so I leave things as they are...they are so dedicated and busy with it I can't turn on them...I know some will say I should...did you ever bring someone in?
Witness 007- Feel guilty for bringing a "Pioneer family" into the truth!!
by Witness 007 6 Replies latest watchtower bible
The only ones that I brought in were my 2 sons. I do regret this action. The older son is married to an extensive jw family. The younger is not active, living his life his way. I have no problem with either as regards the dubs. I hope one day the older one will wake up. He is very intelligent and is a jw because as he stated, "It may NOT be the truth, but it works for him".
Witness 007
I used to worry about this same thing. When I left the organization, I did make an effort to contact those individuals that I may have influenced to become JWs. (Some have since left the organization.) But after giving it considerable thought I concluded that each adult individual is responsible for making his own decisions. We may have been influenced by certain people especially those who studied with us. But the actual decision to become a JW was our own. Likewise, our decision to leave the organization was also ours to make.
The scriptures are clear that God judges us each "according to our deeds." He certainly takes into consideration all circumstances. But in the end, we are responsible for what we do. Sadly, many JWs who may have offended God's laws may try to plea they were only "obeying the organization." But even the human courts do not recognize this defense. (Remember Nuremberg?)
Many of us have experience the cruel and unloving rules of the Watchtower Society. The leaders of the organization who make and enforce these are responsible. But each JW is also accountable for their own actions when they choose to put the laws of a human organization over those of God and Christ.
I suspect I was partly influential in bringing somebody into the religion. I won't use the term "the truth" because I do not believe it to be so. I simply call it the religion.
The sad part is that this person is dysfunctional and is hoping the end comes because he needs to be saved from himself.
I studied with a woman years ago who did everything she needed to do, quit smoking, went in the ministry, kicked her drug using children out of her house, all of it! Then after going over the baptismal questions the elders told her she couldn't get baptized!! She left, stopped going to meetings, and quit studying. For the past few years I have been grateful that the elders denied her, but I recently learned that her daughter is now studying and attending meetings. She thanked me a few weeks ago and told me that now she can really see the "truth" ... I was in the middle of witnesses at the time so I couldn't do anything except seem pleased
I feel that everyone that I came across in field circus could have been influenced to become witlesses just by my having been out there. Whether any did or not is beyond my direct ability to know, but all it takes is one to join and then start spreading the cancer for me to become an accessory to pedophilia, murder, and all the senseless waste of time and resources that they commit.
Now that I know better, I am attempting to do at least as much damage to the Watchtower Society as I caused to society by being a witless. True, no amount of apostasy can bring back even one person that was killed by the blood issue or in an accident while out in field circus. Nor can it bring back even one yoctosecond of their wasted time, one precious memory of childhood that the witlesses stole, or one molecule of gas that was wasted because I got them in. And, it takes only one to become a hounder-hounder-hounder and hold a whole district together that was falling apart, and it could quickly get out of control. Hopefully I can dissuade people from joining and prevent more of this, but I am afraid that the pro-JW activity had nearly a 20 year head start.
Nobody I studied with ever got baptized. Thank the gods I was apparently not that good of a teacher (or maybe the WT material just isn't real effective). But I have deconverted one person, so overall that's a net gain.