Hello everyone,
I could not resist to comment on this:
The following statement was published by the Society, as part of the the weekly Watchtower Study, to be considered in the week of 18th-24th February 2008 , ‘ The Watchtower’ January 15th , 2008 pages 11-12 § 16
“ If you feel that you are not as skilled at teaching as you would like to be, take heart. Jehovah and Jesus are supervising the educational programm that is being carried out worldwide today. (Acts 1:7,8; Rev. 14:6)
Let’s give a glance to the supporting scriptures:
(Acts 1:7-8) He said to them: “It does not belong to YOU to get knowledge of the times or seasons which the Father has placed in his own jurisdiction; 8 but YOU will receive power when the holy spirit arrives upon YOU, and YOU will be witnesses of me both in Jerusalem and in all Ju·de´a and Sa·mar´i·a and to the most distant part of the earth.”
(Revelation 14:6) And I saw another angel flying in midheaven, and he had everlasting good news to declare as glad tidings to those who dwell on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people,
It is clear that God’s holy spirit will be given, a witness will be given and an everlasting good news will be ‘ declared ‘ as glad tidings.
According to the above mentioned article Jehovah and Jesus supervise the educational (teaching ) programm which is being carried out worldwide by the Society.
Furthermore the Society declared that:
3 Jehovah is the God of truth. (Psalm 31:5) His Word, the Bible, is a book of truth. (John 17:17) Honesthearted people respond to truth. (Compare John 4:23, 24.) One reason that TheWatchtower and Awake! have touched the hearts of millions of readers is that they are journals of integrity and truth. In fact, it was over the issue of loyalty to Bible truth that TheWatchtower began to be published."
(w 94 1/1 page 20 § 3)
As a result, this would make Jehovah and Jesus responsible for ALL the Society’s teachings since 1879.
Just to be more specific and to give an example , let’s take some quotes from the Society’s public worldwide teaching given on the blood issue, for the last 68 years:
Jehovah and Jesus …supervised the following:
“ …the issue over blood began to arise in particularly after 1937…Is it in harmony with God’s Word? A prayerful examination of the Scriptures was made , revealing God’s will in the matter “ (w 72 8/15 page . 502)
“ Nor are they going to feel that a slight infraction , such as a momentary storage of blood in a syringe when it is drawn from one part of the body for injection into another part , is something less objectionable than storing it for a longer period of time.” (Blood ,Medicine and the Law of God , 1961 page 15)
“But regardless of whether is is whole blood or a blood fraction, whether is blood taken from one’s own body or that taken from someone else , whether it is administered as a transfusion or as aninjection , the divine law applies.” (w 61 9/15 page 557 § 19)
“Although Jehovah’s Witnesses will not eat blood as a food , nor in medical use consent to any kind of blood transfusion or, in place of it, an infusion of any blood fraction or blood substance , this does not rule out all medical treatment.” (Blood ,Medicine and the Law of God , 1961 page 39)
“ They are being taught by God” ( w 72 8/15 page 501)
“…many a person might decline blood simply because it is essentially an organ transplant that at best is only partially compatible with his own blood.” (Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Question of Blood 1977, page 41 §111)
“As cardiovascular surgeon Denton Cooley notes :” A blood transusion is an organ transplant … I think that there are certain
incompatibilities in almost all blood transfusions.” (g 90 10/22
pages 8-9 )
“When doctors transplant a heart, a liver, or another organ, the recepient’s immune system may sense the foreign tissue and
reject it. Yet, a transfusion is a tissue transplant. “ ( hb How can blood save your life…1990 , page 8)
“The Witnesses do not feel that the Bible comments directly on organ transplants; hence, decisions regarding cornea, kidney, or other tissue transplants must be made by the individual Witness. “
(hb How can blood save your life…1990 , page 28)
“The stand of the Witnesses respecting the sanctity of blood is a doctrinal belief rather than an ethical viewpoint subject to periodic review, he was told.” (w 97 2/15 page 20 )
“ Blood is an organ of the body, and blood transfusion is nothing less
than an organ transplant.” ( g 99 8/22 page 31)
*** w00 6/15 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***
“The Bible directs Christians to ‘abstain from things sacrificed to idols and from blood and from fornication.’ (Acts 15:29) Beyond that, when it comes to fractions of any of the primary components, each Christian, after careful and prayerful meditation, must conscientiously decide for himself.” ‘ w00 6/15 page 31 Questions From Readers )
To finish what about “.. the time of the end “ issue?
Jehovah and Jesus …supervised the following:
*w 1950 1/15 22 Who Will Share in the Final Witness? ***
”…God's Word says that "it all happened to them by way of warning for others, and it was written down for the purpose of instructing us whose lot has been cast in the closing hours of the world". (1 Cor. 10:11, Moffatt) 3
**w 1950 8/1 p. 227 Serving with the Servant ***
Such Kingdom interests must be guarded, watched and increased amid the turbulence of this world's closing years. Nor would any human or demon attraction or the confused events occurring in these fateful days succeed in diverting the faithful stewards from their service.
*w 1958 8/1 464 Calling the Members of the Kingdom of Heaven ***
If any of the remnant now in attendance at the room for the wedding ceremonies fall out for failure to keep on the wedding garment, others will be brought in by the King to take their places. Seeing that we are now in the closing years of this present system of things, that process may be about completed.
*w 1968 8/15/1968 pages 499-501
This is not the time to be toying with the words of Jesus that 'concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father.' To the contrary, it is a time when one should be keenly aware that the end of this system of things is rapidly coming to its violent end. ".
*1971 book "The Nations Shall Know That I Am Jehovah"-How? * *** kj 216-7 12 "Until He Comes Who Has the Legal Right" **
9 Shortly, within our twentieth century, the ‘ battle in the day of Jehovah’ will begin against the modern antitype of Jerusalem, Christendom. “.
*w 1971 9/15 570-1 God Wisely Selects Earth's Rulers ***
World conditions in fulfillment of prophecy indicate that we are in the closing days of this gathering, called the "harvest." With its completion and the destruction of the present wicked system and its administration, Christ and his associate kings and priests will begin the thousand-year reign for the blessing of mankind.-Matt. 13:37-40; Rev. 11:18; 19:19-21; 20:1-4, 6.
*g 1973 11/8 p. 6 Why You Should Be Concerned ***
Why? Because in so many areas human failure is not just a 'passing phase. It is direct evidence in fulfillment of Bible prophecy showing that we are living in the closing years of this wicked system of things.
*w 1993 4/1 p. 18 Who Are Following the Light of the World? ***
Urgent to Follow the Light
19 Now, in the final years of this evil system, it is urgent to follow the light of the world. And we need to be on guard, for there is an intense war being waged to keep us from walking in the light.
*w 1994 4/15 p. 10 Helpful Teaching for Our Critical Times ***
The events of this 20th century overwhelmingly prove that we are now living in the conclusion of this present wicked system.
*w 1994 9/1 p. 13 Despite Being Made of Dust, Push Ahead! **
20 Now, during the concluding years of Satan's world system, is not the time to slow down-not as far as Kingdom preaching is concerned and not as far as developing more fully the fruitage of God's spirit is concerned. «
*w 1997 8/15 p. 22 "Soundness of Mind" as the End Draws Close ***
21 How much time is left remaining we do not know. Yet, we can say with confidence that "the end of all things has drawn close." Until that end comes, let us live with "soundness of mind" in our dealings with one another, in the way we care for our families, and in our secular responsibilities
*w 1998 1/1 p. 11 Do Not Give Up in the Race for Life! ***
20 Today, we know that another great "day of Jehovah" will soon affect this whole system of things. (Joel 3:12-14) We do not know when that day will come. But God's Word assures us that come it will! Jehovah says it will not be late. (Habakkuk 2:3; 2 Peter 3:9, 10)
*w 1998 9/15 p. 13 Times and Seasons in Jehovah's Hands ***
We too are convinced that our deliverance from the present wicked system of things is approaching. We know that we are living in "the last days." (2 Timothy 3:1-5)
*w 1998 8/15 19 Strengthening Our Confidence in God's Righteousness
In the near future, the greatest time of tribulation ever to strike the human race will break forth suddenly. (Matthew 24:21
*w 1998 9/15 pp. 18-19 Waiting in "Eager Expectation" ***
Their faith does not need to be propped up by time calculations. They keep busy in Jehovah's service, providing a wonderful example for their companions, the "other sheep." (John 10:16) These anointed ones know that this wicked system's end is near, and they heed Peter's exhortation: "Brace up your minds for activity, keep your senses completely; set your hope upon the undeserved kindness that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ."-1 Peter 1:13.
*w 1999 4/1 p. 19 Life After Death-What Does the Bible Say? ***
21 The fulfillment of Bible prophecy shows that we are living in "the last days" of this system of things. (2 Timothy 3:1) Very soon now, Jehovah God is going to intervene in human affairs and wipe out wickedness from the earth."
*w 2000 12/1 p. 18 Do You Love Jehovah's Reminders Exceedingly? **
Since we are living deep in the last days of this wicked system of things, let us keep praying for divine help so that we can continue to observe Jehovah's reminders and thus 'keep on guard according to his word.'-Psalm 119:9."
*w 2001 3/1 p. 21 Salvation for Those Who Choose the Light ***
This is especially true in view of the nearness of the end of this system of things when survival will depend on obedience.-Zephaniah 2:3.
*w 2001 5/15 p. 12 Praise Jehovah for His Great Deeds! ***
To shine forth in giving a final witness before Jehovah brings an end to Satan's wicked system of things in the rapidly approaching "great tribulation."-Matthew 24:21; Daniel 12:3; Revelation 7:14.
*w 2001 6/15 p. 12 Look After Orphans and Widows in Their Tribulation ***
As the end of the present system of things gets closer, the pressures that Christians in general face are certain to increase. (Matthew 24:9-13)
*w 2001 8/15 p. 28 Do Not Give Up in Doing What Is Fine ***
Faith in the Things Unseen
11 Another trial may involve the seeming delay of the end of this wicked system of things. According to 2 Peter 3:12, Christians are to be "awaiting and keeping close in mind the presence of the day of Jehovah." However, many have awaited this "day" for years, some for decades. As a result, some may become discouraged and lose their sense of urgency.
*w 2001 8/15 p. 32 Certificate of Excellence ***
Each issue of Awake! "stays politically neutral and does not exalt one race above another." Additionally, the publications build "confidence in the Creator's promise of a peaceful and secure world that is about to replace the present wicked, lawless system of things."
*w 2001 11/15 p. 12 Jehovah Shows Us How to Count Our Days ***
« Yes, our life is as transitory as grass that withers in a single day. Therefore, let us not waste this precious commodity. Instead, we should seek God's guidance on how we ought to use our remaining years in this system of things. «
*w 2001 11/15 p. 31 Noah's Faith Condemns the World ***
« Like Noah, true Christians today know that Jehovah will soon bring an end to this godless system of things. We do not know that day or hour, but we realize that imitating the faith and obedience of this "preacher of righteousness" will result in "the preserving alive of the soul."-Hebrews 10:36-39.".-
*2003 km March 2003 page 6 , paragraph 25 subheading: "Take full advantage of the time remaining "
Today all the evidence indicates that the end of the present global system of things is at end. Day by day our pattern of life should reflect that conviction. As zealous servants of Jehovah, we should be focused on the urgent work of declaring the good news.- Titus 2:13,14 ."
*yb 2003 " A Letter from the Governing Body " page 5, paragraph 1 :
"We face similar situation today. As we approach the destruction of this wicked system, we expect increased opposition. Satan is filled with "great anger", and that anger is especially directed against those who serve God (Rev.12:12) "
*w 2003 September 15th 2003 p.25
Unfulfilled expectation are bound to lead to disappointments that make the heart sick. This happens in everyday life. However, this is not the case with the expectations that are solidly based on god?s Word. We can have complete confidence that they will be fulfilled. Even apparent delays are less likely to be disappointing. For example, we know that God?s new world is imminent. (2 Peter 3;13)
*w 2003 December 1st, page 13 § 17 « Yes, we can confidently
look forward to the time-now so near- when Jehovah will eradicate from the earth all the corruption and those who are responsible for it ».
*w 2003 December 1st, page 13 § 18 « Just a little while longer
and the wicked one will be no more ; and you will certainly give attention to his place, and he will not be »(Psalm 37 :10) How these words encourage us as we approach the end of this system of things and the culmination of disastrous independence from Jehovah !
*w 2003 December 15th, 2003 page 15 §§7- 8, 21
Our Watchfulness Takes On Greater Urgency
7 Noah received the warning of the upcoming catastrophe decades in advance, and he wisely used the time to prepare for survival. ?After being given divine warning of things not yet beheld.? Says the apostle Paul, ?[Noah] showed godly fear and constructed an ark for the salvation of his household.? (Hebrews 11:7) What about us? Some 90 years have passed since the last days of this system of things began in 1914. We are certainly in ‘the time of the end.’ (Daniel 12:4)
21Although the Flood seems remote from our day, it clearly provides a warning that we must not ignore?. »
Well, I hope that it wasn’t a boring…journey.
J.C. MacHislopp