I'll make this short and sweet as I'm up to my arm pits (not literally) in spud peeling and dinner making!
When I first left the JWs and joined this forum my unanswered question was 'Why'? 'Why' would the FDS and JWs at the top all continue their sharade and deception on so many? What is the benefit and what do they crave?
After years of contemplation, study and consideration of the phenomenon of Control Freaks and Greed for Wealth, it finally made sense.
It appears that those at the top of the WT tree are not 'in it' for riches, even though they want for nothing.
But then, what is the most dangerous reason for their deception?
If it were greed for financial wealth, the worst they could do is take your money.
If is greed for Control and Power, then the worst they can do is take your life, your mind, AND your money.
Therefore, after all this time, I've finally come to the conclusion that the Watchtower Deception is for the very worst reasons - Power to take, manipulate, control and potentially destroy!
A thief may take your cash, but he cannot destroy and take your mind, your time and control your life.
The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is run by a very dangerous breed of men - Control Freaks with NO empathy or compassion, who are riding on the High that Power gives them and that those who choose to believe them give them to destroy their lives.
Finally, the answer arrives and a very unpleasant reality it is.