Can I get some help up in heya

by bboyneko 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bboyneko

    I recieved the following emails, anyone wanna help write a response? I always write responses I just wanna see some other ways you guys respond to these typical JW inquries.

    I Have three questions for you!
    1- It seems to me by your comments that you are destroying the JW name why?
    2-What made you give up the religion?
    3-With everything that is going on in the world can you deny the fact that this is the great tribulation satans wicked system is comming to an end armaggedon is almost at hand?


    Hey Daniel,
    I started studying in '79. Baptized since '83. I'm still one of JW's. That question was posed to me by my brother. I agree that those things were mentioned concerning the organ transplants. There was an adjustment in the understanding. We don't claim to be perfect, neither do we claim to be prophets. But we're at the top when it comes to being awake in light of the times that we're living. Also in being obedient to love one another in times of carnal warfare...and the list goes on. Our understanding in light of Bible prophecy in veiw of the times that we're living has increased and there is certainly a demarcation or larger and larger gap between us and the world. Why should an error or two in Bible understanding stumble you my brother? Should you forget who taught you the truth? Tell whom do the prophecy at Daniel point to in our current times when it speaks of the King of the North and South? Look to hear from you...Alan

    heheh sounds like fun.


  • mommy


    Okay to the first one, I would repond.
    I plan on answering your questions on the board for all to see. I feel the questions you raised are important to answer. I had to do some soul searching, and have realized some things I had not realized before. So please continue to read, and I will answer your questions there

    For the second one, he is clueless I would have to show him he can't have it both ways. A life saving medical treatment one day is denied, but the next day it is allowed. Lives are at stake here, not something you can say, "Oops sorry about that, we are imperfect."

    wendy(I would have more fun with the first guy, he seems like the kind to show up and read your posts)

    Blind faith can justify anything.~Richard Dawkins

  • wannahelp

    I dunno bboy,

    But for the part where he says they never said they were prophets, I'd send him this:

    or how about this one

  • bboyneko

    Thank you so much for the link! I sent it to him and we'll see what happens. Thanks.

  • larc


    I assume you don't want to be sarcastic with the guy, but you could ask him if his statement about Armageddon being at hand was taken from Russell's writings in the 1880's.

    You might point out to him that that term has been used in every year for the past 122 years. You might even give him some quotes before and after 1914, 1925, and 1975.

  • Zep
    3-With everything that is going on in the world can you deny the fact that this is the great tribulation. Satans wicked system is comming to an end. Armaggedon is almost at hand?

    Two things come to my mind that will serve as a sign that Armageddon is at hand, or has begun. They are:

    1. The UN will ditch the harlot of false religion and leave her desolate.

    Yeah right...Can anyone HONESTLY see this happening in the near future, let alone EVER. The more I think about it, the more it seems utter ridiculous that UN would even bother!!!! Like the US is going to suddenly give all it's talk of God etc...Like all the Moslems are suddenly going to give up Islam. The UN is impotent in this respect! It just wont happen!

    2. The gospel will be preached to all the nations.

    This is nowhere near being accomplished. So therefore we are nowhere near the End.

    Dumb prophecy bullshit!

  • Bill Parker
    Bill Parker

    Hi bboynecko:
    I am looking at this fellows 3 questions. Who's destroying the name of Jehovah's Witnesses? Us? First we are told by "INSPIRED" PROPHETS of GOD to "TEST the inspired expression" 1 John 4:1 You dare to "TEST" any of the teachings of the Society and your history. We are told that you MUST ACCEPT all of their teachings without question. If you do not there is a judicial meeting. If you do not change your tune out you go. So here we have some people who do as Jehovah has commanded,find some thing wrong and then have the intestinal fortitude to disagree. There gone! But wait a minute that is what Jehovah wanted them to do. They were following the dictates of their own conscience. Who's destroying their name? They are doing that all by themselves. We just have to sit back and watch! Isn't that enough to make anybody give up? As to his third question. Boy! He wants to be damn careful making statements like "this is the great Tribulation" Does he believe that because the twin towers were blown up this is it? What about Hiroshima and Negasaki? We aren't just talking two buildings were talking to entire cities. What about the the terrible terror of W.W.1 and W.W.2 Rivers of blood were poured out. The Society once taught that the great tribulation began in 1914. Because that seemed to harmonize so closely with the Bible I thought that that teaching was carved in stone. I even while my wife was with me made the statement that I believed the great tribulation started in 1914. Keep in mind that is what the Society taught me. She told me that "I was on an apostate course." So if I was then so was the Society who taught me that. So you see by there ever changing teachings they create problems right within the family arrangment. What about their teaching that the organization is "OUR MOTHER" That's funny I thought that Paul said that "Jerusalam ABOVE is our Mother" He as one of the annointed class never claimed to be anyone's Mother. He said he was only one of the children of that heavenly woman. HE knew that he had to "Prove Faithful to Death" in order to bear that designation. That would be AFTER he had been resurrected to heavenly life.If you dared to question that erronious teaching you would be kicked out. There are destroying there own name even worse they bring great reproach on the devine name by their oppressive tactics Tell him to tell the Elders that he believes the great tribulation has started and he is teaching that to others. Guess where he will be after that. Having coffee with us at the APOSTOFEST.

  • dungbeetle

    By their own admission, the Society claimed to be prophets up untill at least 1982. Then they stopped being prophets even by the sayings of their own mouths.

    So, yes, they are just MEN. Period. That is all they ever were, and that is all they'll ever be. Period.


  • Rev B
    Rev B

    Hey Zep,

    My answers;

    1. Rev 17:17 for God has put it into their hearts to carry out his purpose by being of one mind and giving over their royal power to the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled

    No, the end isn't quite near and yes it's a mystery. Personally I can't grasp it either. My only advice on this is that when people hear this being announced, they do wise in stop doubting because God is making it be.

    Pastor Russell saw this time more as a great tribulation, like no troubled times the world has ever seen before. I will tell you too things; christendom denying the bibles many warnings of the endtime are blind to the bible and the JW claim that non JWs will go to 2nd death during these times isn't right either.

    If you believe in the Bible, you believe in the whole inspired Word, interpretation is one thing but you can't overlook the biblical warnings of not only Revelations but also many of the OT prophets just because it may not appear nice. The world will be subdued to the Messainic Kingdom, willingly or not. Actually it's beautiful because the world is already suffering and only the bible says it's going to end.

    2. Matthew 24:14 - And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, as a testimony to all nations; and then the end will come.

    JW is wrong here and just about everyone else. The Gospel, in its many imperfect versions presented by various people, is to be preached as a TESTIMONY. This has basically already been done. JW can basically quit clinging the bells.

    God Bless

  • COMF

    1- It seems to me by your comments that you are destroying the JW name why?

    Why does it seem that way to you? Because you don't have a clear understanding of what I'm doing, and of what has been done to you.

    2-What made you give up the religion?

    Self-preservation instinct.

    3-With everything that is going on in the world can you deny the fact that this is the great tribulation satans wicked system is comming to an end armaggedon is almost at hand?



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