Oil should should be past $130/brl soon since Alan Greenspan told a group of Saudis they should drop the dollar peg to stop their inflation problem.
USDX has the $ below 75.
by uwishufish 3 Replies latest social current
Oil should should be past $130/brl soon since Alan Greenspan told a group of Saudis they should drop the dollar peg to stop their inflation problem.
USDX has the $ below 75.
Ok. Then the market corrects itself eventually and we will move on. Tis been like this forever. What's the issue?
all real things of value usally take off when the dollar slides. back in the 70's gold jumped from less than $100 bucks an ounce... and as the dollar stayed week gold got into the $ 700's or better and stayed there. this kind of thing has happened before... it's a matter of how low things get before they ever get better this time.
This time the run up in price has more to do with money (fiat currency) supply. The more $ that are printed the more it costs to buy any given item including gold. Oh it would be nice to see a correction and my can of campbells soup cost 65 cents again but with the price of commodities such as wheat doubling in the last year.
I fear the only correction we will see is going to be small even a 25% correction would not bring us to the price of gold of just 1 year ago.
Rhodium is now over $9000 an oz. just a few years ago it was $500.