This is incredible. Wonder how long it will take for the government or some big oil company to exterminatethis guy? LRG
Cancer Treatment and Salt Water Fuel
by littlerockguy 5 Replies latest social current
That guy won't be alive long.
We'll be reading about him dead with a suicide note, a gun, and 6 bullets in the back of his head.
Rub a Dub
Rubadub said: That guy won't be alive long. We'll be reading about him dead with a suicide note, a gun, and 6 bullets in the back of his head.
Either that, or one of the big companies will in fact, buy his inventions and then immediately scrap them. I've long contended that there is no real search for a 'cure for cancer' by the Pharmeceutical industry, anymore than than the giant oil companies want an alternative to us using oil and gas. Greed rules everything.
Slow down. Nothing in the video says how much energy is used to power the radio waves that heat the water to get it to burn. If it's using more energy to heat the water than it produces, than it's kinda useless. A quick check around the Internet produces no additional information. One video on You Tube doesn't prove anything.
I've seen that before This is bogus science at its finest am afraid, Mr. Kansius is former broadcaster and this story was being broadcasted on TV network that funnily enough was owned by him as well. I'm too tired to go into details of it but it is basically like this hydrogen is covalently glued to oxygen, when radio waves hit the molecules the glue is broken which then react to reassemble itself into H2O releasing energy effectively this process turn radio energy into the resulting heat, i.e. there is no net gain. He never said how much energy he had to put into the process to make that happen did he? Because to get that little flame out he had to bombard it with energy so high that made the whole process useless. If he succeeded in that that would create a perpetuum mobile which basically cannot exist.
Water Fueled Car.
Article about John Kanzius, the inventor of the cancer treatment machine in the OP's video.
Relevant quotes from the article:Kanzius admits that this stage of development of his method, the process could not be considered an energy source, as more energy is used to produce the RF signal than can be obtained from the burning gas, and stated in July, 2007 that he never claimed his discovery would replace oil, asserting only that his discovery was "thought provoking."
andPhilip Ball, a consulting editor at Nature and author of "H2O: A Biography of Water", is highly critical of any theory of water as a fuel, both in general, and specifically as an alternative to traditional fuel sources. Although he says that Kanzius' discovery itself needs to be verified through careful experiments, he states that "water is not a fuel" and "[w]ater does not burn". Ball also states that according to the Laws of thermodynamics, it is "impossible to extract energy by producing hydrogen from water and then burning it, as this would be a basis for a perpetual motion machine." He is critical of lack of inquiry in the media reports about bogus science.[16] Ball writes "Here, however (for what it is worth) is the definitive verdict of thermodynamics: water is not a fuel."
Another YouTube video about an inventor running his car on water.
An explanation about how that process works.
How to get hydrogen out of water.
Quotes from the above article:Water electrolysis does not convert 100% of the electrical energy into the chemical energy of hydrogen. The process loses energy because ions in the water need to move to carry electricity, and this movement ultimately heats up the water.
The energy efficiency of water electrolysis varies widely. Some report 50–70%[1], while others report 80–94%.[2] These values refer only to the efficiency of converting electrical energy into hydrogen's chemical energy. The energy lost in generating the electricity is not included. For instance, when considering a power plant that converts the heat of nuclear reactions into hydrogen via electrolysis, the total efficiency may be closer to 25–45%.
The fact is that making hydrogen to "burn" in a car requires more energy than you will get out of the hydrogen. Where do you get the energy to make hydrogen? Nuclear power and fossil fuels, like always. This is not a conspiracy, this is science.