This article about disciplining children made me feel sick.
No it doesn’t use the word beat but it does encourage corporal punishment or the “rod” as one form discipline to use on your children.
The article says something like all children have the tendency to seek pleasure and then goes on to discus discipline and how it should be used to control and get rid of these pesky natural traits that not only children have but all normal human beings!
Witness parents and their Bible studies are under a lot of peer pressure from those in the cong and from what they read in the literature that they are told is from Jehovah God.
Both my parents and my husbands went overboard because of this kind of advice.
We were not allowed to be children we were robots that were to do exactly what they said or else!
The family name or its reputation in the cong was on the line and we were to be perfect examples.
I was under this same pressure when I had my children. I am ashamed that they influenced me to be too rough on them.
This info will be used in the same way it always has. If a six-month-old baby makes noise in a meeting doing what babies do naturally you spank, swat, etc. whatever it takes to shut them up.
Stricter advice comes from the KM on a regular basis.
They tell you not to take the child to the back when it makes noise unless you make it worse in the back (spankings-and threats) than at the seat where they belong or they will make a habit out of it and you will miss the spiritual food!
Truly disgusting and sad!