Hillary just said she has made "hundreds of thousands of speeches" in...

by oompa 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    Westerville, OH....I saw it live FOX NEWS. Now at a minumuim, that is 200,000 speeches. I you gave five speached a day, every day for a year that is 1825 speaches a year. Unless my math is bad, and it is weak, it would take 109.58 years to give that many speaches at the rate of five a day...

    Somebody thinks way too much of herself....and she even went on about how much praise she gets from people after the speaches!....oompa

  • hillary_step

    Hyperbole is not a sin, even where a politician is concerned.


  • frozen one
    frozen one

    Maybe she thinks everything that comes out of her mouth is a speech. "Good morning, Bill." Speech 1. "I'll have my eggs over easy." Speech 2. And so on. She has a sharp, legalistic mind. I'm sure she could easily defend her statement.

    Come on Ohio and Texas. Do the right thing on Tuesday. The reader can interpret what is right.

  • Simon

    Hey, could be worse ... people could vote for a half-man half-chimp that barely has the capability of human speech ...

    ... oh wait, they did that!


  • SixofNine

    my guess would be that she misspoke while attempting to convey the fact that she has made hundreds and even thousands of speeches. I'd give John McCain the same benefit of the doubt, though I won't be voting for either of them, hopefully.

    An alternate and equally plausible assumption would be that oompa misheard her.

  • oompa
    sixofnine: An alternate and equally plausible assumption would be that oompa misheard her.

    sorry six...I had it on tivo and backed it up to make sure...plus, my hearing is great and I was drinking a great fresh roasted, just ground, Kona!!!.........oompa

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