Elders walking around like Mullahs, investigating and watching people's every mood. All elders will probably have to wear beards in the New System.
Instant execution for any law-breakers - no trial need now because of the precedent of Armageddon. So, break a law and you will be executed. How? Probably stoned to Death, we know how much the Big J loves seeing men women and children killed in painful agony by being stoned.
Women will be repressed completely in the New System once the Elder-Mullahs take control. The tea-cosy that sisters have to wear on their head now when they pray will most certainly be extended, first to a tea-towel then probably to a complete table cloth.
Everyone will HAVE to attend all meetings and prayer meetings - no pulling sickies in the New System.
The list goes on...
So if you ever have wondered what life will be like in the New System, just take a look at Iran now and start getting used to it.
The Pope