Of Idolotry and Feral Pigs

by Tired of the Hypocrisy 3 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    I am on another rant and have to apologize.

    When I was a teenager the overlords were called to my house by my folks because I had some posters of rock and rollers and some Molly Hatchet artwork on my walls. The overlords told me that I would be destroyed at Armageddon if I didn't get that stuff off my walls. I would also have trouble with DEMONS too, before my destruction at Armageddon. This booshit went on for weeks and weeks until I came home from school one day and found that the overlords had come and with my folks prayed and removed my posters and burned them in the fireplace. They actually burned so apparently there were no DEMONS residing within my Molly poster! They never even said anything after. Maybe they were waiting for me to say something, but I bit my tongue.

    Well, back when I was living in Sacramento, there was this lovely young couple that had the BS in their home. He was an up and coming asskisser ooops I mean ms. He was the regular reader and up the conductors butt 24/7. He was a nice enough guy, though and he and I spoke about going feral pig hunting out by the coast. What always bugged me about this BS location was that right on the bookshelf with all of the theocratic show pieces were a couple of really gorgeous idols. One of Amon Ra and another of Isis. When I asked about it they said they were a wedding gift depicting the couple. They told me they were only idols if they were in the following form: Osiris, Isis, and Horus. Apparently Amon Ra was the sun and not part of the principle trinity of Egyptian religion.

    When I tried to make some sense of it they said not to worry and all was fine.

    Anyone one else ever see this sort of hypocritical BS regarding idolatry?

  • R.Crusoe

    One thing that amazed me is how established families within the KH had all manner of fornications, disfellowshipping and reinstatement as if it was wheeling and dealing according to how horny they were! As if they played the system to their advantage for the benefits of the friendships they had as well as the secret encounters!

    It always stuck in my head about how one JW could have a completely serious take on their religion and it destroy them whilst another would be using whatever opportunities were presented them and still keep spouting BS as if they really ever intended to follow it themselves! And it is no surprise to see some playing the system to their personal advantage still in it after all these years. Maybe that's the reality which hurts genuinely ensnared individuals - feeling hoodwinked and then shunned for realising it?

    So your notion of idolatry goes much further than images on a bookshelf - no question!

    I actually now like the idea of some ancient statues and the stories that surrounded them. It's as if they can stand there just like a book or a portion of moral strength promoting positive thoughts about things you find interesting and relate to on a personal level!

    To harm none and promote positive thought is an excellent living reality! Much better than the plethora of negative feeling piled high on your shoulders by 'all knowing' others!

    I'm pleased to hear about those who learned it's for you to find positive things that fit you and not give up by letting some other human do it for you and tell you how!

  • Satanus

    Yah, it's all bs.

    S, up early, before dawn, ready to worship the sun, as it arises.

  • LongHairGal

    Dear Tired,

    Your post brought back a memory of years ago that I had. When I was growing up (not a JW) there was an older girl in the neighborhood who had those romance magazines and she gave me a couple of them. They were very tame compared to what is out today. Anyway, I had a little desk in my room that I kept locked and I put these magazines in there. Well, one day I am coming home from school and I see my little desk on the curb. I was horrified for two reasons, one being that my parents were throwing it out without any regard for my feelings and two because they obviously would have found my two 'forbidden' magazines. I might mention that this was not the only thing of mine that they just threw out. Of the two of them, I wonder which one was worse than the other, my mother or my father. This just goes to show you how my non-JW parents had absolutely no regard for my privacy and I never forgave them for this. When I got inside the house they were upset but it was not the end of the world. They just told me not to hang around with this girl.

    I was just upset at the utter lack of regard for my feelings and my person and can imagine how angry and indignant this would make somebody else. This is why when years later I became a JW I never tolerated their nosiness and lack of regard for boundaries. I think if anything like this happened now I would make the person regret it.


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