Some in my hall are bored. They've either been laid off or they've taken a break from pioneering, whether its regular or auxiliary.
They have little in the way of personal pursuits or interests.
To fill this apparent lack of personal development and self fulfillment, they reason it is better to spend time in the ministry.
Then when personal problems arise, they quit. They can't keep up with the routine.
They get bored again and unfulfilled. Then they resubmit their application to pioneer.
Of all the things to do in this world, why would anyone feel that pioneering is the only one?
It makes me happy! I feel closer to Jehovah! He knows I am doing his will! are some of the comments expressed.
Well, that's fine and dandy if you really want to believe it, but how are you doing on a personal level? God created us with gifts and talents. Are you using them?
Many witnesses that I know have no hobbies - now, there's nothing wrong with that but the witness hamster wheel allows no time for even thinking about what one would like to do of one could do it.
Do you know of ones who pioneer because they feel there's nothing else to do?