I believe it was AlanF who started this thread back in June regarding the evolution of baptism vows.
Also, ISOCF (Ray Franz) on pgs 117-120 discusses this also - detailing the right of the borg to disfellowship its members.
From Alan's post it appears that IF you were a minor and baptized before 1985, you could legally state that you did NOT vow loyalty to the organization, and could rightly reject a JC's attempts to disassociate or disfellowship you. Is this correct?
For instance, my wife and I were baptized in 1967 (me) and 1971 (her), I was 12 she was 14. We stopped attending 2 years ago, inactive, drifted, and have very little contact with any active JW's. Recently a former close friend came by to visit, encourage us to return etc., and we expressed several reasons why we would never go back. It felt "good" to come clean and explain why we had not accepted emails, calls, or visits from them. Our friend said that our friendship goes beyond the organization etc., which was a noble statement. However, I told him that if our views were generally known, it is very likely we would be d'fd for apostacy. He naively said he did not think this would happen.
Bottom line question - has anyone successfully used this "defense" to avoid a JC - they were underage and their dedication and baptism took place under the pre 1985 "old vows" - OR like what happened to Ray Franz and others - can one be disfellowshipped IN RETRO?