I've had a few light and heavy conversations (always peaceful, always "asking" rather than telling), with my JW friend. I just received the latest Free Minds Journal and wondered about sending "anonymously" page 11 to her. It gives all the flip-flops of what a generation is, according to the WTS.
We have touched on a variety of subjects that she just knew the WT could explain, but alas they could not! She is still attending, however, she has become a little more wishy-washy. Birthdays were "absolutely out", but now they are back in. Things like that.
I figure every little piece of information is another piece of the puzzle that might keep her mental wheels turning. I thought about simply photo copying page 11, without any comments, and figure she will read it, because it is all WT propaganda.
What do you think? Bad idea...if so, why? Good idea? Could be one way or the other? Worth a try? Would just like some in-put.
Also, any suggestions of WT materials that made you have second thoughts the moment you saw them would be appreciated it!