Does anyone know if the JW membership is increasing or decreasing? A local paper in my area did a large study on relegions. One of the intresting facts pointed out that the JW have losing members for the past ten years. Although for some reason they had an increase in 2007. It also stated they have the most transiant membership. Seems like people join, see what its about and leave. Anyone out there can elaborate?
Membership numbers
by pjj62 8 Replies latest watchtower scandals
If something bad happens in the world, many go back.
Bad news is good business for the Watchtower.
Welcome to JWD pjj62!!!! Good to have you on board. I'm sure someone will be along shortly to answer your question.
As a general rule over the past few years there has been little or no increase in the more advanced countries and particularly where the internet is available, as there is now so much imfo. about what really goes on within the Watchtower organisation. This year there was a 3% increase but this is very unlikely to continue.
edmond dantes
They put a lot of emphasis into recruitment but very little effort into looking after their actual membership which is one of their major fault lines.
jonathan adabe
Hi pjj62, There are steady increases in active members (publishers). During the last 10 years there were 2772,861 new Baptisms into the Organization. During the same period there was an increase in active membership of 1,338,712. That's a loss of almost half of their new baptisms. Allowing for natural wastage the Organization still struggles to keep new ones in. The increases are mainly in Africa, Central and South America. Western nations are becoming a smaller percentage of the total as years go by.
In the PEW report, the Watchtower is the fastest growing religious group in the world. However, it has the largest percentages of desenters. They seem to posh the increase in baptisims as a means of showing an increase. This does not meet the smell test.
Following in a comprehensive look at the growth over the last 15 years on a global scale.