Just wondering because in our congregation I reckon for every 10 that have come in during the past ten years eight of those have gone out? Lots of these people have studied and converted without family so the don't have the sword of Damocles of shunning hanging over them. They also used their brains relatively recently so I think these are the main reasons they bounce back out.
How many converts are staying 5 years +?
by Mickey mouse 6 Replies latest jw friends
MICKEY MOUSE- I tend to agree with you. The newer converts were in the " real world " more recently and not under " cult mind control" as long as people raised in the witnesses were. So as you stated , their minds are still fresh out of the world and can snap back to it easier escaping the mind control of the organization . It is much more difficult to get long time witnesses to exit the cult because it's so deeply ingrained ! Good thread ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
I was 28'ish when I fell into the JW trap... stayed for 13 years. Do to a life changing event, I was able to take some time away from the congregation and began to think and see things for myself, for the first time in years.
Yes, it was easy to fit back into the world. Since I have "NO" family that are witnesses... I had nothing to leave behind.
It was a very Liberating Feeling.
I guess you would be pretty close MM. Going by the results on the PewForum the JW turnover is about 66%! (i.e. for every 10 new Witnesses baptised, nearly two thirds leave permanently.
wha happened?
I started to study in '88. Baptized in '89. Stayed active until 2004. what a waste
My dad joined when he was 28-29 back in the early 60's. He's now in his 70's.
Over the years, I think back to when my parents joined and the years that followed. I wonder why they joined, why they stayed? (can't ask them since they won't talk to me)
I was raised in the religion from the age of 2. Got df'd a few times, and finally never went back, by the time I was 24-25.
I think about what my parents were doing, at the age of 30, 35, 40....ect. How we were living as children, with the WT.
I think about how I lived my life, at those same ages.....without the Watchtower.
I think about the relationship I have with my children and grandchildren, and the relationship they don't have with their, children, grandchildren, and now greatgrandchildren.
I stayed active for around 18 years, out of which only the first year and loose change were sincere. After that, I just went through the motions, hoping for blessings (for myself, not those fxxxing Pioneer/Study?Value Destroyer Training School excuses for "blessings"). Of course, they never came.
Result: I started doing less sincere service, and eventually dummy service. And now, apostasy.