Awake April 2008

by Samuel Thorsen 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • Samuel Thorsen
    Samuel Thorsen

    There is a part from Kerala India in in the April issue of Awake. Some history, daily life, culture bla bla blaand the dubs got 132 congos and everything is good.

    However they do not mention with a single word the perhaps very most interesting cultural aspect of Kerala. Tha fact is that a significant part (20 %) of the people of Kerala is Chritians and the have been so for a very long time. The legend claims that the Christian congregation was founded as early av the first century by Doubting Thomas the apostle. More trustworthy sources tell that the St. Thomas Christian community was agumented in the fouth century by refugees from east Syria - now Iraq.

    Anyway the Chritian heritage of Kerala is very special in a land of Hindus and reincarnation, but the Awake! magazine tells us nothing about it.

    Isn't is amazing???

  • Borgia

    There's is list of gospel preaching somewhere here on jwd...from the 1st century till today. Interesting read. May tie in with this Kerala story.



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