OBVES and JCannon: Willing to wager on 2011?

by inkling 9 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • inkling

    As they say, talk is cheap. This seems to hold true for prophecy.
    OBVES and people who buy into his and H Camping's end times prediction
    may talk a lot, but in the end all they are wagering on 2011 is a
    measure of empty hope and perhaps what's left of their reputation. I say that a sure way to gage your TRUE confidence is to stake something
    valuable on your prediction. After all, you are asking much from the
    people you are trying to convince, including the sacrifice of time
    thinking and hoping, the change in plans they are making for the future,
    and a small to medium sized chunk of their sanity. So, when 2011/2012 turn out to a boring old years like 2010 and 2013,
    what are YOU willing to give in compensation for your nonsensical false
    hope? in other words... "oh yeah? you wanna bet?" [inkling]

  • Awakened07

    I think OBVES has already stated that he would simply recalculate, but that we shouldn't let that discourage us (...). I can't be bothered to look up the post though. As for JCanon I don't know, but I'm sure he'll be bathed in 'new light' by then as well.


    This is my next closest date for the end of the world .The only other preacher I know of right now that predicts the same year is Harold Camping from the Family Radio Stations,Inc. He is my most serious opponent . I don't see JCanon on this scene as I don't know he came up with the same date with reasonable explanations to back up the date.

    I see another preacher Ronald Weinland who is claiming he is the last prophet of God of Abraham in his book " 2008.God's Witness". He is predicting the fall of the United States this year or at the latest spring ,2009 AD. He is putting his reputation on the line very clearly and this year it will be known if he is the true prophet or not.

    Ronald Weinland claims to be the one of the two witnesses of Revelation 11.2-3 and the period of 3.5 years ( 1260 days ) is to begin this fall ,2008 AD .

    2008 AD ( fall) + 3.5 years = spring , 2012 AD.

    Harold Camping has his own different chronology .From the time of the Noah's flood 4990 BC there will be 7000 years in 2011 AD . 7000 years is for 7 days in Genesis 7.1-4.

    In my spiritual chronology the flood in Noah's days began in 2372 BC. Adam was finally created in 4027 BC ! So,we differ a lot on chronology.Yet , we came up with the same year 2011 AD.

    We both hold firmly once God finished giving the Bible - divine revelations , he ceased giving His miracles.

    JCanon lays at least one claim that would be contrary to that above-view . I think he wrote about hearing voice from heaven speaking about him " Hear . This is my son " . God of the Bible doesn't speak this way to no one today ! If we want to hear God speaking to us we must turn to the Bible which is God's Word spoken to all .

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    I would be willing to wager $5,000 that the end of the world will not happen in 2012, 2013, or 2,014.

    Obves would need to cough up $5,000, as would I within the next four weeks. We would have a registered third party hold on to the funds until the year 2,014, at which point the winner would receive the entire $10,000 plus the interest that the money would be collecting in a modest money market account or something like that.

    Of course if Obves is right he would have a hard time collecting.

    The Oracle


    If you could see my day today you would be dumbfounded to see how I lack a free time. My preaching work is not on grand scale . And even I find it difficult to find a lot of free time to do just that. No time for gambling ! I happens I don't have to time finish eating my breakfast. I used to come late to work almost day by day ! On the road riding bike every second counted !

    But know I could do many other things and what I did already for God's Word is much more than betting for $ 5000 for the prediction.

  • inkling
    Harold Camping from the Family Radio Stations,Inc. He is my most serious opponent .

    I'm curious... Why would you discribe someone who is possibly the only person
    on earth who agrees with you as your opponent?


  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    I am dumbfounded by your inability to put a coherent sentence together.

    May I suggest a grade eight education? It would help with your grammar.

    The Oracle

  • Pahpa

    It seems incredible to me that anyone who has been associated with the Watchtower and left the organization would again be inticed to dabble in "end time" predictions. Didn't we learn anything from our experiences of Watchtower failures to automatically reject this sort of foolishness? How can anyone seriously consider these wild speculations?

  • RubaDub

    In my spiritual chronology the flood in Noah's days began in 2372 BC. Adam was finally created in 4027 BC ! So,we differ a lot on chronology.Yet , we came up with the same year 2011 AD.

    So I guess I should get a longer loan (5 or 6 years) on my next car since I normally pay them off in 3.

    Rub a Dub


    This is one the most important observation in the history of the religion. The Bible is a superior book over all other sacred books that it is infused with the end-time predictions ! So the true christianity has to be as such . We don't look for true christianity among those who object to the end-time predictions. That is why the Jehovah's Witnesses are the best religous organization there is on the face of the earth.

    Their predecessors the International Bible Students were of the same type ! They were emerged in the predictions all the time . You can check their literature.

    Even Harold Camping who is of different views than I and Jehovah's Witnesses rose to the status of the best Bible preacher on radio by this one factor alone : by preaching the end of the world coming soon . He came with an excellent date 1994 AD and now he has 2011 AD - the same date I came to in a different way. He is very gifted and is distinctive to a such a degree that he can pose the most serious challenge to Jehovah's Witnesses and me. He is against all christian churches . And if you are alone in your faith and don't agree with his teachings you are also rejected according to what he is teaching.

    Since I and Harold Camping predict the end of the world in 2011 AD it boils down to the point who is right in God's eyes with his teachings . We may be both right as to the year predicted. Our lives are filled up with the prediction of the end of the world.And it there where one must look for the True Christian religion as the title pointed it out.

    I am siding with Jehovah's Witnesses who have the remnant of 144000 in their ranks and I as an independent servant cannot be against them to fulfill the words of Luke 9.49-50.

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