Sanctioning family breakups to be expected and Godsent has to be one of the most fundamental aspects to WT dynamics that leaves permanent lifelong rifts in thousands if not millions of peoples lives.
The circumstances under which they advocate this are various!
I know they do it with new converts telling them Jesus came to divide and not unite - non JW family - unless they follow along!
And with JW family who shunn leavers - tempted away by non other than an imaginary bad boy - satan!
And less obvious - ex JW family who all leave and still have scars from the years of emotional rift and trauma sending ripples down the rest of their lives! - An extreme example being an adult who prevented a dying child having a transfusion and later left JWs - effects flow down the years in any family who hated the idea!
Also non - JW family who reluctantly readmit you to their decades of established traditions and gatherings as if some mutant has returned amongst them - the rifts are sometimes irrepairable when too many bridges got burned! No amount of talk helps them see a genuine heart!
Anyhow - it leaves scars in lots of lives for less significant reasons long after! There are many families who will never have 'family associations' and celebration of life as many 'worldly' families do together in natural and wholseome ways as a result of the disection of cultural ties WT dogma infused into networks of lives!
What is your experience of the long term effects of such WT policies?