I have often wondered about the time that Russell was growing up. He was a child of the civil war. When Gettysburg was fought he was 11 years old. The battle was some 100 plus miles from Allegheny. I've read that he and his father were haberdashers and had done very well. They were millionaires as I recall. I often wondered if they hadn't made their money as war profiteers selling crappy quality uniforms and shoes to the Union Army. I have no support for this, I just wondered how they could be so successful and make so much in so short a time that I often wondered if they weren't somehow involved in the business of making money off the war effort. Any takes on this one? I'd be curious to hear if anyone else has thought of this. Just curious. W.Once
I have a wild theory, no way to support it. Russell experts help out?
by Wasanelder Once 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
horrible life
If they dealt with making hats, with mercury, like the mad-hatters, that would explain some of the weird ideas that have been passed down.
What was Russell's father's name?
Sarah Smiles
Russell's were more wealthy than the Rothchilds! See Charles Tays Russells online, who was Charles Taze Russell's uncle. The haberdashery was owned by his father that does not mean they did not have money. Also, the Russells are link with skull and bones and the Russell's Trading Company.
What was Russell's father's name
"Joesph" ???????????????????????