Curious: when one becomes a Pineer (100 hours of service to WTS per month), does that person get special recognition or something at their KH? Why would someone go through that torture month after month?........(other than MAYBE securing a place for themselves on Paradise Earth!....HA!) The sad thing is: even a Pioneer is never sure that they've done enough to be spared by their Jehovah. What a heartless, unloving "God" the Witnesses serve.
by lavendar 4 Replies latest jw friends
Tired of the Hypocrisy
My wife's step mom is a regular pioneer and she is the biggest hypocritical bitch I ever knew personally. I think they only put in like 60 hours a month now and she is treated like some kind of a saint. If she says it it is gospel. It must be true because she is a pioneer....It is disgusting how much attention is given to such undeserving people. It is like seeing Britney Spears on the news all day and night. Paraded around in everyone's face with no reason for it....
The auxiliary pioneers, at last count, only need 50 hours a month (that could have changed), and regular pioneers need 840 hours through the year (70 a month). I say "only" because it used to be more. It could be more now, and there could be changes to make it more in the pipeline.
No, pioneers do not get special recognition, except that they are looked up at and they may get special treatment in financial matters and at a$$emblies. They also tend to get more parts on a$$emblies, often with fake experiences of how it was the best thing they could have done. That is about all the extras they get.
For that, they are required to spend all that time in field circus, without any reimbursements. They are also supposed to be exemplary. That means any little infraction will result in a hounding, even if it would have been let go in a standard publisher. Dress codes have to be just so. They are also supposed to set examples in music, cleanliness of vehicle, and anything else that could be a "stumbling block". To me, it is not worth it. Besides that, if they fail to make their time, they get embarrassment and shame.
Besides that, if they fail to make their time, they get embarrassment and shame.
WT -- What did you mean they get embarrassment and shame when they don't make their time? Are they publically reproved or something?
Also, what if they're only 1 or 2 hours under their required time for the month? Are they still shamed?
Also, what if they're only 1 or 2 hours under their required time for the month? Are they still shamed?
They have to get so many hours in a year so it doesn't really matter how many hours they get in per month...I knew many that would get most of their hours in the first 9 months and do little in the summer to beat the heat...If they are coming up short all year and will not meet their yearly hours they elders will lean on them and threaten to drop them from pioneer...