I remember a series of four Watchtowers that we "zealously" placed to issue the "final warning to Babylon the Great". They all had pictures (if I remember correctly) of the harlot in Revelation. I think the pictures were all taken from the Revelation Climax book. I have wondered if in the past few years if they have issued another series or anything similar to these. It was stressed over and over and made a big deal of, that this was her final warning from Jehovah, blah, blah, blah.....It would never be repeated. You remember all the hype of it don't you? Anyway, I have been waiting to laugh at that when they issue another article of warning. Have any of you heard of or seen anything like this? Even though I was a faithful JW then, I thought it positively odd to make such a statement when only Jehovah knew the end. (All these things do add up and helped me see my out!) Any observations? Any Watchtowers that have been for the public that have focused on this that you know of? It is just one more thing to add to list of lies for me.
Remember the "last warning for Babylon the Great" WT series of four?
by kitten whiskers 7 Replies latest jw friends
Today. our CO made the statement that the announcement that "Babylon the Great has fallen" would come from "the Slave." And that it was important to stay close,bla bla bla.
Actually, the WTS teaches that BTG fell in 1919 but its destruction is yet future, now less and less do they say by the UN but by the political elements perhaps within the UN.
*** ip-2 (Isaiah Prophecy book 2)(2001) chap. 8 pp. 118-119 pars. 27-28 False Religion—Its Dramatic End Foreseen ***Modern-day religions have perpetuated many of ancient Babylon’s doctrines. Hence, the world empire of false religion is well named Babylon the Great. (Revelation 17:5) That international religious conglomerate has already suffered a fall similar to that of ancient Babylon in 539 B.C.E. (Revelation 14:8; 18:2) In 1919 the remnant of Christ’s brothers came out of spiritual captivity and shook off the religious influence of Christendom, a dominant part of Babylon the Great. Since then Christendom has lost considerable influence in many lands where it was formerly strong.
That fall, however, was just a precursor to the ultimate destruction of false religion. Interestingly, Revelation’s prophecy of the destruction of Babylon the Great reminds us of the prophetic words recorded at Isaiah 47:8, 9. Like ancient Babylon, modern-day Babylon the Great says: "I sit a queen, and I am no widow, and I shall never see mourning." But "in one day her plagues will come, death and mourning and famine, and she will be completely burned with fire, because Jehovah God, who judged her, is strong." So the prophetic words recorded in Isaiah chapter 47 stand as a warning to those who are still affiliated with false religion. If they are to avoid sharing in her destruction, let them heed the inspired command: "Get out of her"!—Revelation 18:4, 7, 8.***w964/15p.11pars.1-3WhyWorldlyReligionWillEnd***"BABYLON THE GREAT has fallen!"
Yes, from Jehovah’s standpoint the world empire of false religion has fallen. This has been true ever since 1919, when the remnant of Christ’s brothers came out from under the influence of Christendom, a dominant part of mystic Babylon. As a result, they have been free to denounce false religion and to announce God’s righteous rulership through the Messianic Kingdom. Throughout this century Jehovah’s loyal Witnesses have exposed Satan’s conglomeration of puppet religions, which he has manipulated to mislead "the entire inhabited earth."—Revelation 12:9; 14:8; 18:2.How Has Babylon the Great Fallen?2 However, someone might ask, ‘How can you say that Babylon has fallen, when religion seems to be flourishing in so many lands?’ Catholicism and Islam claim over one billion believers each. Protestantism still prospers in the Americas, where new churches and chapels spring up constantly. Hundreds of millions follow the rituals of Buddhism and Hinduism. Yet, to what degree does all this religion exert a positive influence on the conduct of these billions? Has it prevented Catholics and Protestants from killing one another in Northern Ireland? Has it brought real peace to Jews and Muslims in the Middle East? Has it led to harmony between Hindus and Muslims in India? And, more recently, has it prevented Serbian Orthodox, Croatian Catholics, and Bosnian Muslims from pursuing "ethnic cleansing," plundering, raping, and slaughtering one another? Religion is often just a label, an eggshell-thin veneer that breaks under the slightest pressure.—Galatians 5:19-21; compare James 2:10, 11.
3 From God’s viewpoint, the religious support by the masses does not alter one inescapable fact—all religion is on judgment before God. Babylon the Great, as evidenced by her history, deserves to be judged adversely because "her sins have massed together clear up to heaven, and God has called her acts of injustice to mind." (Revelation 18:5) In prophetic language Hosea wrote: "For it is wind that they keep sowing, and a storm wind is what they will reap." All of Satan’s false religions worldwide will pay the ultimate price for their betrayal of God, his love, his name, and his Son.—Hosea 8:7 ; Galatians 6:7; 1 John 2:22, 23.
knock knock
So it WAS the UN itself, then it's "perhaps elements within the UN", next it may be "some group that had a library card to the UN", and still later it may be "some group or element of some group that may have at one time seen the UN emblem on television or the internet." Followed closely by "We NEVER said that or anything like that!"
The only constant is change and dilution. -
They had a few pictures of some slut drinking wine & riding a wild animal. It doesn't really mean that much to your average person on the street, does it? JW's are terrible for thinking that their pronouncements actually mean something to people, en mass. They reach a very small number of the human race with their bullshit. Thank alistair for that!
Homerovah the Almighty
Ignorance with the delusion of power , what a hideous bunch of morons
I wish the Tower of fools would fall over and disappear but I guess that would be asking too much
Whats surprising is they are not at all embarrassed by this out right idiocy and stupidity
Oh yes, I remember those, as mentioned they were the first in full color. Not taken from the Climax book though. All were exited about the colorful pictures, but many complained about placing them in FS. One sister who always made comments about the wt pictures said, why do the first color pictures have to be pictures of monsters?...
We were told to stand in order to support the declaration. Don't remember if it was during the wt study or service meeting.
Regarding the waters of Babylon being trained out, I feel that especially since 9/11 the world has become more religious...