Has any one here signed up for the Stock pick newsletter advertized on on this sight?
What were your experiences?
If you buy the news letter (cost $47) they will put $50 in your trading account. What's the catch?
by uwishufish 2 Replies latest jw friends
Has any one here signed up for the Stock pick newsletter advertized on on this sight?
What were your experiences?
If you buy the news letter (cost $47) they will put $50 in your trading account. What's the catch?
A stock picking robot would be good. I'm keeping my eyes on this topic.
As far as I know W. killed the stock market and economy.
A stock picking robot would be good if there was a rising tide. A rising tide lifts all boats and you can pick stocks by throwing darts at the financial page on the wall.
I know somebodys making money in the market, but in this market it would be tough.
When Clinton left office the Dow was at 11,000. The ding bats only allowed or inspired confidence in American business to get the dow to 11,900 today.
900 points in 8 years,
Way to go George. Your just like your old man.
Thats why we have the realestate crisis everyone took their money out of the stock market and made a real estate bubble which exploded.
At the bottom of this page is an add for somthing similar same price $47 but with a diff mo this add claims to be a stock promoter and tell you which stock they are prmoting next. (Inside Info) Ha ha
I played this game years ago 60,000 shares of a stock that I sold eventualy for < $100.