The jw uniform

by carla 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • carla

    The other day child tells me how she saw a guy in a suit/tie and it just made her feel ick, thinking it was a jw. So we were laughing about how a few years back seeing a guy in a suit would not have such an effect upon us and how when we used to see cars of people all dressed up on Saturday's we always assumed it was people on their way to a wedding, and probably a Catholic wedding at that! because they do the noon mass thing sometimes! haha, wonder what the jw's would think of this? Their care in picking out the uniform for the day and here we are thinking they are going to a church.

  • Nellie

    I'm glad you said Catholic wedding - because they sure don't dress up to go to Catholic church at all - jeans and t-shirts are what I see them wearing around here!

  • StAnn

    Because of the closely cropped hair, the suit, etc., when my little boy sees Barack Obama on TV, he thinks he's a JW!

  • WTWizard

    I wonder how long it is going to take for the dressed-up look to go completely out of style. At the rate we are going, anyone that is dressed up like a witless will soon elicit panic among parents with children.

  • StAnn

    Nellie, sometimes I attend Mass at the parish that serves our local university. I've seen students come in wearing their pajamas!

    If you're helping during the Mass, such as being a lector or eucharistic minister or choir member, you're expected to come appropriately dressed. Otherwise, it's a free for all.

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    I hardly ever wear a tie to mass, but I never wear jeans & t-shirt, however I do see some that do come in shorts and t-shirts, or even some dressed up in suit and ties. Catholic mass is more relaxed than some others, but yes those that do serve as ushers, choir etc. do dress in shirts and dress pants. I have never notice anyone giving anyone a hard time because they are not wearing those ill fitted JC Penny suits. Men can have a beard and long hair, women can wear jeans to mass, heck you can even enjoy a cigar and beer with the priest after mass if you want.

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