.....so they can do it and nobody else can...check this post from the newsgroups that I responded to:
Subject: Re: Watchtower Official Response to UN Scandal
From: lovesmenot@aol.com (LovesMeNot)
Date: 11/5/2001 4:23 PM Eastern Standard Time
Message-id: < 20011105162303.16389.00001496@mb-ct.aol.com>
X-racer writes:
So >The letter merely shows the WTS terminated its newly found status with the
>UN. The
>UN is the one who changed the "criteria of association" after the approval by
>WTS was given in the first place. The WTS never knew about the changed
>until it was just recently brought to their attention. The immediately ask
>dis-association upon learning the "newly found facts." The WTS reason for
>application was to get access to information resources the UN, not to be a
>When they filled out the application, no such "criteria of association" by
>the UN
So according to Xracers thinking, if a person signs on to an organization for
one purpose, and during that affiliation the organization CHANGES the basis for
affiliation WITHOUT TELLING THE affiliate, the affiliate, without sanction, can
declare himself no longer affiliated, and now can say he never WAS affiliated?
In that case, all Jehovahs Witnesses who were BAPTIZED before 1985, who said
YES to one set of baptismal questions, and then found out subsequently that the
BAPTIZMAL questions had been changed to read that the individual now SWEARS
ALLEGIANCE TO THE ORGANIZATION...the JW can now WALK AWAY without sanction,
saying that now that the organization has CHANGED the rules of affiliation, and
he didnt AGREE to such changes, he is no longer a member...and no one can TOUCH
him for doing so.
I like it.
Another fine example of whats good for the goose is NOT good for the gander or the sheep!