Society lifts ban on Spiritual Fornication

by LovesDubs 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • LovesDubs
    LovesDubs they can do it and nobody else can...check this post from the newsgroups that I responded to:

    Subject: Re: Watchtower Official Response to UN Scandal
    From: (LovesMeNot)
    Date: 11/5/2001 4:23 PM Eastern Standard Time
    Message-id: <>
    X-racer writes:
    So >The letter merely shows the WTS terminated its newly found status with the
    >UN. The
    >UN is the one who changed the "criteria of association" after the approval by
    >WTS was given in the first place. The WTS never knew about the changed
    >until it was just recently brought to their attention. The immediately ask
    >dis-association upon learning the "newly found facts." The WTS reason for
    >application was to get access to information resources the UN, not to be a
    >When they filled out the application, no such "criteria of association" by
    >the UN

    So according to Xracers thinking, if a person signs on to an organization for
    one purpose, and during that affiliation the organization CHANGES the basis for
    affiliation WITHOUT TELLING THE affiliate, the affiliate, without sanction, can
    declare himself no longer affiliated, and now can say he never WAS affiliated?

    In that case, all Jehovahs Witnesses who were BAPTIZED before 1985, who said
    YES to one set of baptismal questions, and then found out subsequently that the
    BAPTIZMAL questions had been changed to read that the individual now SWEARS
    ALLEGIANCE TO THE ORGANIZATION...the JW can now WALK AWAY without sanction,
    saying that now that the organization has CHANGED the rules of affiliation, and
    he didnt AGREE to such changes, he is no longer a member...and no one can TOUCH
    him for doing so.

    I like it.
    Another fine example of whats good for the goose is NOT good for the gander or the sheep!

  • Missie Eff
    Missie Eff

    Funnily enough, my Mother voiced the very same idea to me this week. There are obviously a few other people coming to exactly the same conclusion independantly.

    Oh dear, there may be trouble ahead...

  • Lionel_P_Hartley

    What is amazing is that Dubs will just believe bare statements by the WTS. If the WTS is telling the truth then why doesn't it simply publish an article providing the proof? That way, JWs would have a convincing answer if this came up in the field. As it is, the WTS, even if it is telling the truth, is seriously hindering the preaching work by its apparent stonewalling.

    This is an argument I am trying with JWs - sure, the Society may be in the clear, but why doesn't it provide the actual evidence. After all, some could be stumbled when all the Society needs to do is to produce the documents.


  • edward gentry
    edward gentry

    The Witness leaders have a LONNGGG history of covering up mistakes
    they are like a little child who sneaks a candy bar into his bedroom to eat then hides the wrapper under his pillow hoping mummy wont find it. These are very guilt riddled, childish men we are dealing with and their primary response is, now, to conceal.
    But then, if you had spent the past 60 years livin at Headquarters
    learning the established patterns of behaviour you might find it hard to change too.
    Fact is, if the Borg had come out and admitted theyd messed up, at the start, like the Adventists did, none of these concealment
    problems would be bothering them today. They made a choice, way back when, to conceal, now they do it compulsively, because of their own guilt.They are riddled with it.
    The WT heirachy could always follow the example of Chairman Mao ( a cunning man) Mao publicly declared in his "hundred flowers" campaign
    that his system of practise wasnt ABSOLUTELY perfect and invited dissenters to express their opinions so he could incorporate their views. They fell for it. As soon as they crawled out of thw woodwork
    he sent them all to "thought reform" school.
    Lesson? Only the silent survive.
    It would be interesting to know how many ex dubs out there follow the example they learnt from the Borg leaders and conceal, like naughty little boys, their misbehavins, even petty ones...I know I do.
    I learnt this pattern from the borg.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Hi all,
    Brooklyn has lied so often to cover its gaffes and embarassments, it now does so reflexively. It never seems to occur to them that they could regain the confidence of hundreds of disaffected by simply admitting to a mistake or an error of judgement.
    Invoking their warped principle of ``theocratic strategy'' as often in statements to their own membershp as to their adversaries, they no longer seem capable of spitting out the straigt unvarnished truth.

  • Englishman

    Loves Dubs,

    A superb deduction! I suggest that we all start writing to the JC's who outed us and insist that our DF'ing is annulled.

    It wont acheive that of course, but it will certainly raise awareness.


    Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....


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