Well it seems that the JW's observe the Passover, especially this year, utilizing the JEWISH calendar. Yet, why do they not use the JEWISH calendar for fixing 1914? Funny how they attempt to place the Kingdom of God, and Jesus ascension (1914) using the modern dating system, yet the ritual of honoring his covenant is based off a totally different dating scheme. Hmmmmmmm
Why do JW's use different dating schemes?
by sinis 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
choosing life
I thought you meant dating services to find a mate. Who knows why they do anything. I find it very interesting that the Jewish religion was based on the cycles of the moon, as were many pagan religions.
I think they may just be trying to be different than the churches. Funny, they are celebrating on Easter this year.
Dating services with the JW's? Yea, right, I'd rather cut off my noodlie appendage before dating a dub.
hahaha great question
i've wondered stuff like this meself.
S-M-H under 40 over 30 - Divorced..xJW and recovering nicely..like long walks in the park ..oops..oops..never mind
That is a brilliant question!
I'd love to pose that to a Jehovah's Witness and see what kind of answer I get. It seems though that for all they say about other religions picking and choosing bits and pieces of things that suit their own purposes, the JWs themselves are masters of it. The difference is that the individual JW is too indoctrinated to even think of questioning a practice or teaching. Being passive and accepting the GB's explanations for thing is a further demonstration of their faith and obedience to God. Ha! Tin Foil hats anyone?
Anyway, I thought you were talking about dating/relationships as well... it kind of made me chuckle. The post will probably get viewed a lot because of it :)
"Moxie" -
"Theocratic minded man seeks theocratic minded woman for light spanking, bondage. Reply at local Kingdom Hall."