If you are present on this discussion forum for quite a few months you should have noticed I have come up with the end-time era that is based on the ancient times when Christ and his first disciples lived and preached. There is no room for Ronald Weinland in the end-time sign as in Luke 9.49-50. Testimony of Jesus must be respected and shows who are the true end-time prophets. Revelation 19.10.
One small group of servants united in one and one independent servant who is not against that group. And they are all linked together in time pattern as I have presented.
There is no room for Harold Camping who is predicting the year 2011 AD just like me . He is much better than Ronald Weinland I could listen to Camping's Open Forum program for hours and I have plenty of audio tapes with his teachings .Right now I hear his voice from tape !
I have Ronald Weinland's " 2008.God's Final Witness" . I advise any one to read his book and compare what he teaches with my posts and the books by Harold Camping. As Weinland puts his reputation on line this year we will have the final answer this year and I believe he will be disappointed .The situation is bad with the United States that could well play into Weinland's prediction of the demise of the United States within one year but I doubt it will happen in one year. But Weinland has other pronouncements who are to take place later this year and we shall see what is going to happen. Some teachings Weinland has are pretty good in my view . I recommend reading his book.