I knew it! Those damned Hungarians! http://www.witnessesonline.com/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/witnessesonline/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=5&t=000127
Watch out!!! Demonized Hungarian spices!!!
by expatbrit 9 Replies latest jw friends
expie, Thank you for that brief ManofTrueGod fix! It's been awhile.
HAHHAHHHAHHAHA ohhhh man that must have been the start of our downfall!!!! do you think they ever stop to think before they write this stuff. OK OK OK I know I did that too as a JW amazing how diff it is now eh?
enjoying not living in constant fear!!!!
"Injustice will continue until those who are not affected by it are as outraged as those who are."
If they're worried about Hungarian Paprika, how must they feel about yellow asafoetida powder, that spice used because Hare Krishnas aren't allowed to offer garlic or onions to Krishna????
But seriously, did anyone bother to think about rational explanations? The waking up in the middle of the night experience sounds suspiciously like night terrors and who's to say that wasn't triggered by an allergic reaction to the spices?
I can assure you that having a good Gulyas with plenty of hot Hungarian paprika will definitely result in "pressure". Not usually on the chest, but pressure anyway.
Lots of people from nearby EU countries go to demon-infested Hungary to have their teeth fixed at discount prices. Which leads me to the question: what do you do when you have a demon in your filling? Punish it with some McDonald's "food"? Drown it in alcohol? Burn it with chili?
p.s.: Those guys over at WOL crack me up. They need care, help, and excessive doses of medication.
Thanks for the link. It's been a while since I've seen some good "demon" stories... lol
I think the Society stopped telling them because it makes them look really wacko to those on the outside, and it scares the hell out of their own members. Then again, religion is all about fear and superstition.
I was always perplexed how many Witnesses view saying God's name like some kind of lucky charm. Interesting to see that someone managed to slip in the 'god's name is a strong tower' scripture.
Looking at that discussion, I assume that the Society is taking an approach where everyone 'just understands' the whole demon thing, letting past stories and accounts instill fear into the members, while at the same time shying away from commenting on the matter in present and future articles.
Demons demons everywhere, why dont these silly JW's turn away from thier demonic religion and turn to Christ and the demons wont get them then.
Holy Goulash, Batman! The Link no longer exists!
Can you please say what it said??Thanks!
PLEASE someone give us details on what it said--the brains at WOL have removed the topic. LOL!
YESSS!!!! I must know what it said!!! Please, give up the goods
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