'Deserving of Death'

by R.Crusoe 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • R.Crusoe

    This is a poingnant statement for several reasons!

    It deeply poisons feelings and thoughts long after leaving and so maybe needs a closer examination for many of us?

    I've tried thinking of a number of ways it harms humans but if you can think of more please add comments ?

    First the WT ensure they get you to accpet accept you are deserving of death if you fail to meet their standards and never stop trying to keep family IN and bring outsiders IN! Like it's your lifelong responsibility to keep hoping and trying to get others into the fold or else you have their 'dead souls' to account for!

    And then they get you to feel you are deserving of death if you fail to keep all their expectations of what God tells them is expected of you - which never stops with all their talks etc!

    And they get you to feel you are deserving of unforgiveable death - no return - if you sin against holy spirit - sorta mixed with apostacy - speaking against them!

    And they get you to think you are deserving of death if you stumble someone else - say something to them that may cause them to leave the religion and so not get everlasting life with them and so have to pay for misleading their soul!

    But the other side of the coin is how they get you to think that those who have left their ranks and are showing sign of suffering are doing so because god is not on their side!

    And that those turning away are possessed by a 'FEELING' because they have been too weak and accept their destiny of 'deserving of death'!

    There is a truth that this hurdle has been so brainwashed into your head by them that it takes a while to know in your soul that they speak garbage and with intended harm to your soul when they brainwash humans with their impossible guidebook written by MDs of the WT who want to keep you busy for no pay!

    It often means that telling a JW you feel low and that it is not the truth does not register with them as what you mean!

    That they think it is your making excuses for your FEELING and so blaming the WT.

    WT love this type of reasoning because it makes JWs think god is at work and punishing those turning away.

    And so if JWs ever speak to you they may think you are suffering depression purely due to your own weakness and the submission your soul has made to resigning itself to the fate of 'deserving of death'

    I have been through all those stages and now know it is a road of glass you walk barefoot till eventually you keep off the road and see more of life - albeit a rougher terrain!

    There is no 'deserving of death' !

    It is their construct and not for them to dictate from their towers built from destroyed souls!

    I see their collection of human skulls propping up their systems of braindraining machinery!

    They just do not make the connection that it is their will that has caused this trouble for you!!

    Never let a JW imagine you actually feel you are deserving of their invisible wrath as if they are in some way facing a 'fallen person' one who is weaker than they are and so on a road to divine rejection which they will have a hard time dealing with the emotional torment of losing a loved one which is also your fault due to your own weakness!

    Simple explain that you know you feel less than valued by anyone but you also know it is due to brainwashing and not something you are deserving of - but that it will take a long time getting your feelings to stop feeling that way - even though your mind is already beginning to work it all out!

    And they get you to feel you are deserving of death if you tend to be morally weak and do consenting sex stuff or whateva in ways you ought not according to their Managing Directors!

    Best wishes to all you who leave and never forget to let those in know that you know it is not god punishing you but the Managing Directors of the WT - which you just realised!

  • R.Crusoe

    The fact that the WT Directors illicit this mindframe on followers is proof of their intent to harm sincere humans!

    And their intent to bind them for life is further evidence they are ruthless slavetraders in peoples minds and souls!

    And the fact they require payment with lifetime devotion for simply giving you more rules as rewards is tantamount to psychological blackmail!

    So when they refuse to accept any responsibility for any of their ill begotten doctrines, they have the souls and blood of all they force to be victims of their dictatorship!

    Any god they serve will see all they do and what devious forces they employ to seduce humans into their snares!

    They have no authority to say what anyone deserves past what they themselves deserve for all the harm they cause and continue to whip up quietly and subliminally with their effluent agandas!

  • Undecided

    I thought we all are

    deserving of death

    because Adam ate that fruit.

    Ken P.

  • WTWizard

    There is actually only one offense that is truly deserving of death. When a human volitionally makes a lifetime of initiating the use of force, threat of force, coercion, and/or fraud against innocent people and/or their property, they are no longer humans. They make themselves humanoids, and are truly deserving of death. And I believe that the leaders of the Watchtower Society that are not trying to right the wrongs that they are doing (and by trying to right their wrongs, I am referring to Raymond Franz) are all deserving of death.

    Those who are merely lazy and/or dishonest (and that is most of us at some point in life) do not deserve death for that. We all learn from such, as those are our weaknesses. As is believing in myths, like the Bible and some of the twisted teachings thereof. It also includes those who, in their innocence, believed that they were saving lives when in fact they were initiating fraud or threat of force against householders. Once they learn about it, they deserve a fair chance to break free and quit doing such, and then to make a life for themselves.

  • only me
    only me

    Growing up as a JW, this was drilled into me from a very early age and it is one of the lingering vestages of that religion that haunts me.

    I don't believe it on a conscience level but it does creep into my head at times and I see it in my families eyes and hear it in their voices when they talk to me. I feel it when I hear about people telling others to avoid me because I'm dangerous.

    This is probably one of the hardest teachings to deal with.

    Personally, I think reincarnation makes more sense than the JW beliefs. I'm learning not to fear death.

  • R.Crusoe

    Undecided - vegetarians are under enough pressure!

    One thing is for sure - our ultimate reality is death!

    It's just the WT Directors made a business out of the idea like selling refrigerators to Inuits on a lifetime hire purchase agreement!

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    I was under the impression we are all worthy of death from the Bible not because some old fart in brooklyn said so. But, you are right....they push it way too hard. Jesus never went around rubbing it in like they do.

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