They showed families who were trying to be more "modern" (think Big Love). To me, they seemed a bit evasive in their answers. I don't know...the women on the show still looked miserable to me, although they claimed they were as happy as clams.
Did anyone else watch the Oprah show on Mormon polygamy today?
by truthsearcher 6 Replies latest jw friends
The PO in one of my congregations said that he hoped Jehover would let him have 5 or 6 wives in the New System.
I asked him where would the women come from.
He said that there are a lot of hot JW sisters whose husbands are going to be destroyed by Jehover because they aren't witnesses and he would just 'step in' and take their place.
I never trusted him after that.
I think that he was in the wrong cult...and it sounds like he was having a problem with lust, so what made him think that HE wasn't going to be destroyed in Armaggedon, too?
I saw it. It was frightening. Did you notice how much the three wives looked alike, i.e., same makeup, hair, black boots, etc.? What was even more frightening was that Oprah was trying to seem "enlightened" and seemed to be trying to pass it off as a viable alternative lifestyle.
I don't care what the women say, I couldn't imagine how screwed up their kids will be. Imagine growing up with your father bedhopping between three wives.
The shunning was reminiscent of JW days, and the woman escaping in the middle of the night with her kids....
Actually, the whole, sick, twisted, "we can justify anything" kind of thinking was reminiscent of my JW days....
StAnn said: I don't care what the women say, I couldn't imagine how screwed up their kids will be. Imagine growing up with your father bedhopping between three wives
I am totally right with you here!
I didn't. But I remember when I first watched the documentary about the polygamists in B.C. I saw so many parallels with JWs. When you are brought up in a dysfunctional belief system from the time you are a child, what else can you do?
another interesting show was "devils playground" about the amish and the practice of rumspringa. (sp?) I find myself drawn to these kinds of experiences because they mirror my experience in so many ways. forced to follow a strange belief system as a child. I felt such compassion for those teens in Oprah's interview (online), because they have never known anything different.
If you go to Oprah's website, and listen to the After the Show clip, at the end, one of the studio audience asked what kind of a childhood it was for 20, 30, 40, 50 kids to have to share 1 father. The woman who escaped from the Colorado City compound in the night explained that they worship their dad as a god (which fits right into their theology--men will become gods). She said that her husband (who had 56 kids) had only 6 who were his favourites and spent time with. I read one book where the dad didn't even know the kids names, he would have to ask them "Which one are you?" and "Who is your mother" to keep them straight!
And yet, the women have been "brain washed" to believe that this is their spiritual heritage...