Though nearly all of the Bible Student organizations are separate from from the modern Jehovah's Witnesses religion, one of them is not separate. One is a legal entity that is a part of the Jehovah's Witnesses' operations and affiliated with both the Watch Tower and the Watchtower. It existed in some form in Br. Russell's time though it might have had a name change (see the Proclaimers book) - it is the International Bible Students Association (which no longer publishes Russell's nor Rutherford's books). Note that some publications of the WT (such as the 1984 NWT, 1985 edition of the Kingdom Interlinear, the 1989 revised Reasoning book, the 1980 Happiness book, and the 1985 Creator book [Life -- How did it get here?]) are copyrighted by BOTH the "Watch Tower" and the "International Bible Students Association" and/or JOINTLY published by the "Watchtower" and the "International Bible Students Association".