I'm still getting use to the lay out of this website, I hope I posted this in the correct section. My question is the date of the memorial. Since I have never been to one I do not know. I do recall last years was in april (the date I cannot recall) I was wondering why this year is in March? I read a lot about Nisan 14, on our calendar, what day does that fall on?
Memorial Question
by One true Jesus Freak 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Nathan Natas
Nisan 14 is usually the first full moon after the spring equinox.
One true Jesus Freak
does that fall tonight?
choosing life
The full moon was last night. Why are the witnesses celebrating the memorial a day late this year?
One true Jesus Freak
I wonder how it would go if I were to ask someone that. I am afraid to tho.
Nathan Natas
OTJF said,
I wonder how it would go if I were to ask someone that. I am afraid to tho.
You have nothing to fear; it's been WEEKS since JWs subjected infidels to ritual strangulation! -
One true Jesus Freak
is it suggested that I ask? Why they had the memorial tonight and not last night?
T'was a leap year this year. That set to screwin' with time tables. Now, I have a question, there have been leap years for thousands of years, what's to say they've got the right day?
I believe they use the night of the full moon as it appears in Jerusalem, which may be a day out in the West
bite me
wouldn't March 23 have been that date?