That's true, but that example pertains to Armageddon and other instances of "judgment", wherein the Society has continued to teach that there is no hope of a resurrection anyway. With respect to ordinary death and resurrection, the Society teaches that the ransom ensures that there would be potentially billions coming back to life, including babies:
*** ka [1973] chap. 4 p. 50 par. 13 Kings for a Thousand Years Without Successors ***
But for the vast majority of the rest of mankind, it will mean learning a new language, the language God purposes for all humankind. In view of good language instructors used by the Kingdom, there should be no great problem on this account. Even resurrected babies can be taught the new language from infancy. In this way they will all be able to communicate with one another directly, with full understanding of one another’s language terms and expressions.
*** ts [1974] chap. 20 pp. 180-181 For Whom Will Resurrection Bring Benefits? ***
What of children who die? Will they too return to life when righteousness prevails on this earth? Surely that is what loving parents would want for any children that they may have lost in death. And there is solid basis for entertaining such a hope. Among those reported in the Bible as having been resurrected were children. The daughter of Jairus, who lived in Galilee, was about twelve years of age; Jesus brought her back to life. (Luke 8:42, 54, 55) The boys who were raised from the dead by the prophets Elijah and Elisha may have been older or younger. (1 Kings 17:20-23; 2 Kings 4:32-37) In view of these past resurrections of children, is it not right to expect that a large-scale resurrection of children will take place during Jesus’ rule as king? Most assuredly! We can be certain that whatever Jehovah God has purposed in this regard will be the just, wise and loving thing for all concerned.
The Bible reveals that by far the majority of mankind -- men, women and children -- will be raised from the dead. As the apostle Paul affirmed in his defense before Governor Felix: "I have hope toward God . . . that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous." (Acts 24:15) The "righteous" are those who lived in God’s favor. The "unrighteous" are the rest of mankind.
*** g78 4/22 p. 23 Did My Baby Go to Limbo? ***
My visitors assured me that, according to God’s Word, unbaptized babies, like little Andrew, were not excluded from God’s marvelous provision of the resurrection. Indeed, the vast majority of the dead in memorial tombs will be raised to life here on earth under the heavenly kingdom of Jesus Christ.
*** w79 6/15 pp. 18-19 par. 11 Resurrected—"Each In His Own Proper Place" ***
Even the dead infants and unresponsible young children will be favored with a return to new opportunities for growing up to eternal youth on a paradise earth. In that way the death-dealing work of King Herod the Great will be reversed. He sent the inquiring astrologers from the East to Bethlehem, to locate for him the recently born "king of the Jews." He schemed to kill Jesus, the son of the Jewish virgin Mary. After being foiled in his crafty efforts to learn the whereabouts of the prospective "king of the Jews," Herod sent and had his soldiers kill off all the young children two years old and younger. The mourning of the bereaved mothers in and around Bethlehem was foretold in Bible prophecy, along with words of comfort about the resurrection.
*** g83 10/22 p. 14 Why Do Babies Suffer and Die? ***
Lovingly, Jehovah has made provision to undo all the harmful effects of inherited sin and death. He has given his heavenly Son, Jesus Christ, a Kingdom government, which will rule this earth for a thousand years. According to Bible prophecies, that Thousand Year Reign is very near. During that time the dead, including babies, will be resurrected.
*** g86 10/8 p. 27 Baptism—Is It for Infants? ***
Must an individual be baptized to share in this earthly resurrection? Not necessarily. Many have died in spiritual ignorance. (Compare Jonah 4:11.) Since they never had an opportunity to learn about God, they never dedicated themselves to him. Are such ones forever lost? No, for the apostle Paul said: "There is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous." (Acts 24:15) Doubtless included among those resurrected throngs will be infants. Therefore, claims that baptism is necessary to save infants are entirely unfounded.
*** w88 9/15 p. 7 Where Are Our Dead Loved Ones Now? ***
What, then, about babies who have died? Will they too be present on the Paradise earth? They do not go to Limbo, which does not exist. But young ones in God’s memory will come back in the resurrection of the dead -- one of the marvelous promises in God’s Word, as we have already noted. (John 5:28, 29; Acts 24:15)
*** w98 7/1 p. 22 par. 14 "Death Is to Be Brought to Nothing" ***
The resurrection will encompass "the great and the small," both prominent and inconspicuous humans who have lived and died. Why, even infants will be among that number! (Jeremiah 31:15, 16)
I guess there is the loophole that if the parent doesn't die as well before Armageddon, then the child's resurrection would be potentially compromised as well -- viewing the parent's judgment extending to the child. Also, if the parent is an apostate, then the same may apply -- if the parent is viewed as deserving of the "second death".