Yes I've just had all the figures in and worked them out on my fingers ,lets see,
268.000 new JW baptised,
80.000 increase in peak pubs,that means
188.000 waved goodbye.
So we have a least an extra 188,000 ex JW's for 2001.
Ex jws hours are well down though the average is,
Please try harder next year.
EX-JW world report available
by sleepy 6 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Sleepy,
Where do you get the figures? I am waiting for the Jan 1st WT....then give the figures some good analysis!
Almost right, but you need to allow for a 1% mortality rate.
Maybe it's higher in the dubs, maybe more die from sheer boredom.
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....
Elinglish man
Sorry I carn't do percentages on my fingers, they get tied up in knots. -
Hey Sleepy 1%'s are easy! You are just lazy!
I'm not lazy just a little sleepy.
Luke 10:7 in New World Translation: "Do not be transferring from house to house."
At Acts 20:20 Paul says he taught publicly and "house to house." Luke 10:7 is a direct commandment saying don't be house-hopping but teach whoever puts you up hospitably. In other words don't bang on door after door after door so as to be a pest and bring God's name into disrepute.
As Christ had done, Paul would teach in one town while staying at a house there then go to another town and do so using a house there as his base. Going house to house is not canvassing every single door for no scripture says it is.
Verses also indicate that though some have the gift of being extensive preachers like the apostles were and although we are all encouraged to try to be doing the work of an "evangelizer" (teller of the Good News), still we have different gifts.
For example some witness better by using their hands in feeding the needy and caring for the sick, so forth. The Watchtower Society's statistic are still sinking even though they try to make it look positive by recording their total publishers for the PEAK year in 2001, rather than the average number of publishers for 12 months as they used to prior to this embarassing decline of theirs that will now accelerate.