Has anyone received this email?

by YoYoMama 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • YoYoMama

    Dear Brothers and Sisters.

    From Italy, and precisely from the 1998, Witnesse's Jehovah are starting, with one new economic system, based on new economic concepts.
    All this after have had the discovered on the mark of the beast, in the commercial bar-code.( http://www.testimonidigeova.org/Codiceabarre.htm ).
    After many studies, we are elaborated, one new economic system, capable of redistribute money, with the network marketing multilevel.
    This method of commerce, enrich his promoters.
    Instead, the organizations of the beast 666, have elaborated from 1970, one project, capable of bring in slavery all humanity, with the coordination in all the earth, of the DEBIT CARDS, controlled by Found Monetary International and from the World Bank.
    This project is presented, written in Italian, in to www.testimonidigeova.org/marchiobestia.htm
    With our multinational society, www.thealphaclub.com , we are doing money redistribution, in 21 nations, we starting from Milan/Italy, in the June of the 1998.
    We have one project, denominated, "Alpha&Omega", and proximately we are starting, with the redistribution of the hours of Job, with one cycle TURNOVER, in the system of the production.
    Second one economist brother, "ANOINTED", all the people of Jehovah, must give power to one New Economic System, capable of to suck monetary resources, to the nations of the beast 666, second Isahia 60:5,12,16, before of HARMAGHEDDON (Ezechiel 38:10-13).
    The people of Jehovah must be separated from the world, in all his manifestations, also those the economics, and for not die hungry, the witness of Jehovah, is obliged , to constructing one new economic system, proposed from this "Anointed" brother.
    Revelation 14:9,10. ( His message is written in www.testimonidigeova.org/comunicaenglish.htm ), where are respected all principles, that Jehovah God, teach to his peoples.
    This Economic System is based on the concurrence with the all producers, and not with the competition between their.
    This new method is permitting revaluation of the coin, and so is permitting cancel the inflation of the money.
    We want you remember, that in the next "Great Tribulation", the grain will cost much money, second that say the scriptures of Revelation 6:6.
    For this the Jehovah people will can support this bad condition, but only with one new economic system, capable of give food to his members, with one new international electronic coin expendable between their. ( Equal system before utilized from Watch Tower for the contributions of the Food and Drink to the assemblies until year 1990).
    The system of the beast, make slaves his members with the credit cards, or with the debit cards.
    In U.S.A, this method is used largely from much more time, and is coming also in the rest, of the nations of the world.
    Genoa will be declared, "Capital of the culture of Europe", in the 2004, and for that time, the project "Alpha&Omega" will be operative in total.
    Do you want to be, between the brothers utilised in this functions?
    You can!!!
    Proximately in Genoa, the project "Alpha&Omega" will be presented to the public government, in all his functions, and if you want to be present, you must complete this form situated in www.testimonidigeova.org/2modulodaticonferenza.htm .

    Spiritually, politically, economically, real and total freedom, from the beast 666 and from "The Great Babylon".

    Visit our web site www.testimonidigeova.org .

    Others society us connected


    This is a weird email and I don't understand what they are saying. Has anyone gotten this?

  • conflicted

    Yeah, I got four copies of it.

    I don't know what it's about - I skimmed through it and threw it away. It looks like someone got a hold of someone elses mailing list and bombed a bunch of people with this.

  • Billygoat

    I received it and promptly deleted it. I think there is a poster here by the name of "enricofrassinetti" (sp?) who is involved in this somehow. It's not the first thing he's sent out. He's been in chat several times and his English is pretty bad, so I've not really talked to him that much. I've often wondered if he's a troll, but he hasn't caused any real harm.


  • teenyuck

    I got this, did not recognize the sender so I opened it. Yikes! I skimmed it and closed it and deleted it. Too nutty!

  • ISP

    I didn't get it! Haha!

    I got plenty others though!


  • conflicted

    This is getting weird - I am now getting harrasing e-mails from someone claiming that the e-mails are coming from me. I am a little clueless as far as tracing things through cyberspace, so if any guru's out there could give me a hand in tracing this to the originator I would be very grateful.

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