There seems to be a growing awakening of JWs in the organization

by truthseeker 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    Young or old, it matters not, but from reading the threads of newbies it seems that many are active JWs and are doubting!!!

    Over the last two years it has "become evident" (TM) that there is a global awakening in the consciousness of many

    active Jehovah's Witnesses that something is....missing from their lives.

    Before their awakening, they had answers but no questions.

    They had the answers to life's problems for those they met on field service but they never questioned the organization.

    The tables have been reversed.

    They have questions but no answers.

    They question the organization, the elders, the friends, but they do not get satisfactory answers.

    This new renaissance of active witnesses questioning everything and anything must continue.

  • Alpaca

    We can only hope so!!!

  • OnTheWayOut

    As their numbers grew, there would inevitably be more children who grew up to challenge
    what they learned, and the number of those "in" that saw problems would have to grow.

    But you really are pointing to an unbelievable climb in the number of JW's waking up.

    It may have to do with changing doctrines and the availability of real truth from the internet.

    There was a time when a doubter kept their mouth shut. They might not look around for
    the real truth. Now, it's easy, and abundant.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    I sure hope you're right and I sincerely wish it were true.

    Having said that, is there anything more than wishful thinking behind this thread?

    Where I live there's quite a few young ones who are still faithfully throwing their youth away on door knocking and not going to college.

    Is that true in your area?


  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    Not many young ones still trudging door to door in my area. Only those 'trapped' by very early baptisms. Any that make it past 16 unbaptized are 'waking up' to the 'reality of jdub life' (is that an oxymoron?)

    This growing awakening is definitely a Western hemisphere PHENOMENON, I believe. The floodgates are about to open up in the rest of the world, shortly, as well, all thanks to GLOBAL COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY.


  • WTWizard

    Is it any wonder that they want people to get baptized by age 6? And that they are clamping down hard on Web sites that try to help people to make better decisions? Obviously, they function best in Dark Ages conditions, and they are doing their utmost to create the Second Dark Ages for this purpose.

  • JeffT

    The only people younger than about 40 I've seen out in field service in the last few years have been kids accompanying their parents. We've been in our current residence over a year and have yet to be called on. I see tired looking old timers on the street holding up Watchtowers, but not engaging any one.

    Something is happening.

  • DaCheech
    Is it any wonder that they want people to get baptized by age 6?

    the other day at a meeting the elder said "it is for their own protection"..... "this will help......"

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