Anti-Witness Dinner

by Wordly Andre 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    Wednesday night Wife and I had dinner out at a local restaurant, this place is kind of a family place not too loud, I started telling her about that Murrieta, CA Molestation case, during our conversation I realized that the people in the booth behind me were JW's, because I heard the lady tell her husband "I think he is a brother", after I heard that I really starting going into details and how it's not right that elders would put the safety and wellfare of a child in risk only to cover up so as not to bring reproach on Jehovahs name. I started telling her my opinion on the whole confidence issue, and how JW's announce sinners and punishment to the congergation that, that voids expectation of silence. Another issue I brought up was the fact that my cousin is DF'd and shunned because she is gay, and how this guy who molested children is not shunned. There is a difference when you have 2 grown adults who have a choice to be in a relationship, VS some grown man molesting children! I started talking loudly and had the attention of 3 tables near us, JW couple behind me were quiet and listening to what I said. I started talking about moral responsibility of any religous organization to protect members from harm, especially children, and how on the JW website it states that they will contact police when reports of molestations are told to them, however these elders didn't and it was the principal of the school who contacted the police, I said the organizations lies and is continuing to cover up and protect abusers. For what? not to bring reproach on Jehovah's name? The part of the restaurant we were in was dead silent, JW couple got up and left.

  • OnTheWayOut


  • MissingLink

    They had to hurry back to their spiritual paradise.

  • potentialJWconvertswife

    Good for you! Spread the news!!! BTW- What was the wife's reaction? -Potential

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    My wife kept asking leading questions, like "aren't the elder suppose to protect the flock?", Why are Child molestors protected and others kicked out?" "do other members of the Org, know whats going on, are they talking about it?"

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    The dub couple, I could not see their faces as they were sitting in the booth behind me, when they walked by they didn't look over at me, they just left, I hope I planted a seed.

  • betterdaze

    Brother Wordly, you are to be commended for "buying out the opportune time!"


  • jaguarbass

    Good for you Andre!

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