I'm A Passivist...My God Wasn't!

by new boy 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • new boy
    new boy

    Were is the sense...to this?

    I wouldn't go to war...I was a CO in Viet Nam. I couldn't even get into a fight at school without getting into trouble.

    Yet my God...Jehovah was is a jealous God an Angry God....A God who when he got missed off would destroy a whole planet...remember the flood....(The Bible said he felt bad afterwards)...that was nice.

    Now he is getting ready to do it again....6 billion people worth....and why?

    Because people won't buy his magizines and join his church. Hay! Have you seen some of these people going door to door? God if you want me to join your team, better send me some people that got most there teeth and at least a 3rd grade education....Opps...I forgot you really don't like people on the bright side.

    Hay, since he all powerful doesn't he have the power to change people's minds about him and his good people?

    Well, I guess not! That could take some time...and hay...it is so much easier to just kill them off..right!

    Hitler was a mad man because he killed off only 50 million people because they didn't beleive in him. Whats the difference between him and your "God of love?"....The people will be just as dead!

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    If you have a bad heart condition, then you are worthy of destruction.

    But if you have a bad heart condition, how do you get a good one? Your bad remember, so if you wanted a good heart condition then you would allready be good.

    But if you had a good heart condition, why would you ever decide to make it bad? Wouldn't that mean your heart condition was bad to begin with?

    This was a little cognitive dissonance that haunted me from young childhood on.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Your absolutely right , God is one murderess tyrant, God was the leading cause of death and destruction as the bible tells us

    Here is a web site that explains things to a further extent http://www.evilbible.com/

  • Alpaca

    Some very good commentary about the violent and bloodthirsty nature of the Bible's "God" is found in Karen Amstrong's classic book, "A History of God." She was interviewed on NPR recently and think the interview is archived for any of you who may be interested.

    It's fascinating to hear her speak because she expresses herself in terms completely detached from the perspective of religious dogma.

    Just a thought to pass on.


  • R.Crusoe

    True - JWs would have you believe the human brain is an instrument of satan otherwise it wouldnt think so much and work out what tricksters they are!

  • Alpaca

    By the way..... I think you mean "pacifist."

  • Sirona


    I've also read that book, its a great read.

    As for Jehoober...well he is a pretty difficult god to please isn't he? It surprises me that the biblical god is so well liked.

    I like Het-Heret, but then again she did go off on her own killing spree once. Oh well these gods eh? LOL


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