Has there ever been a watchtower or awake magazine that reveals or states Muhammad was a "false prophet"?
Imagine a watchtower with a picture of Muhammad on the front cover, and the title "False Prophet".
Do you suppose that would get them some attention?
They would have no problem putting the pope on the front cover with a negative message.
The prophet Muhammad
by catbert 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
w525/15 pp.297-298TheQuran—ofGodorofMan?******
BIBLE FORETELLS MUHAMMAD’S WORK?Among other arguments that Muslim scribes use to prove the inspiration of the Quran is that Muhammad and his work were foretold in the Bible. According to a footnote on Sura 46:10, Ali, (n.4783) "in the Quran and its Prophet [is found] a true confirmation of the previous scriptures . . . Islam [being] a fulfillment of the revelation of Moses himself! (See Deut. XVIII, 18-19)"
But how could that be? At Mount Sinai Jehovah told Moses: "I will raise them up a prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee; and I will put my words in his mouth, and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him. And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him."—Deut. 18:15-19, AS.
Certainly it cannot be justly argued that Muhammad, who was a descendant of Ishmael, was of Moses’ brothers. Nor did Muhammad speak in the name of Jehovah God, as did Moses. The fact is that centuries before Muhammad was born the apostle Peter, in addressing the bona fide brothers of Moses, the Jews, applied this text to Christ Jesus, and the facts show that this prophecy does apply to him.—Acts 3:20-23.
Another prophecy which Muslim scribes apply to Muhammad is that of Jesus regarding the coming of a "helper" or "comforter". Says Ali, in his footnote comment on Sura 3:81: "In the New Testament as it now exists Muhammad is foretold in the Gospel of St. John 14:16; 15:26; and 16:7. The future Comforter cannot be the Holy Spirit as understood by Christians, because the Holy Spirit already was present, helping and guiding Jesus."
However, note that Jesus said that his going away would make his apostles orphans, but not for long, as the "spirit of truth", the paraclete, the "helper" or "comforter", was to come. He further told them that they would be baptized with this spirit of truth "not many days after this" and that they were to remain in Jerusalem until this spirit came. Surely all these promises and commands would not make sense if the apostles were to wait six centuries until Muhammad came!
No real danger in mocking the pope - real physical danger mocking Muhammad or Allah.
I should hurry up and say that Muslims in general probably would react the way Christians do to WT mocking; slightly offended but not too bothered by it since it's issued by a bunch of crackpots. But I wouldn't want to be a JW out in the field ministry in Muslim countries with a "Muhammad was a false prophet" magazine... And the WT knows it.